Mar 19, 201811:22 AM - edited Mar 19, 201811:40 AM
Make your Slack previews better - Add Reading Time, Publish Date, and more to link previews
Thanks to @EricSalvi's post, there's now a simple way to determine reading time using HubL. For reference, this is what it looks like:
{{ content.post_body|wordcount|divide(300) }}
This is great information to have, and I wanted to feature this information inside the link preview that unfurls when a link is shared socially. To do this, I had to make use of meta tags. In our Blog Post Head HTML, I added this bit of code:
As you can see, sharing the link now posts the time to read right in the preview:
Time to Read in link preview
Once that was added, we looked at how our site url was repeated in the preview. Adding an og:site_name tag fixed this to show the company name instead of the subdomain:
And the results:replacing the url with the name of the company
Another important bit of information for blog previews is the date the blog was published. Using a combination of the Open Graph publish time and HubL renders this code and result:
Note: you'll need to remove the space between 'article:' and 'publish' - HS Community reads that as an emoticon even when using the 'insert code' button
added publish date in unfurl
Note: Double check the offset time after this to ensure the correct time!
Finally, you can add your own twitter:label/data meta tags to grow this out further! We at Toast added an option to get a demo, for this final result:
<meta name="twitter:label2" value="Get a Demo:" />
<meta name="twitter:data2" value="" />
For more information on link unfurling, check out Matt Haughey's article on the subject here. Note that some of this isn't specific to Slack, but general social sharing.