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I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

Hello! I`ve created a blog template for design certification and want to receive feedback about it. Maybe I do something wrong and I want to know what it is. I will be glad for constructive criticism. Thanks 


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I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template



I think you have built a very clean and simple layout which is great. A lot of times the blog templates are over complicated and hard to visually navigate. 


If I could give you some suggestions, I would say:


1. You should work on your spacing. Everything somes a little tight. You could do with some spacing above and below your blog title, above and below your content, between your content and sidebar, and around the elements in your side bar. 


2. I would consider using icons (fontawesome or custom images) for your "find me on" links. 


3. Change your default content link color to something that matches your theme (like your red).


These are just personal suggestions though. Overall I like what you have here.


I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

Oooh, Thanks, I forget about fontawesome... I`m fixing it in two days

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

Thanks for sharing @LKTN@AngelaHicks as one of our Inbound Professors do you have any feedback for @LKTN? Great suggestions also from @Jsum and @lionstretch.

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Alunos da HubSpot

I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template



I wanted to echo some of the ideas that others have shared. I would highly recommend adding in some images since bloggers are definitely going to add those in. Make sure that your images are responsive in your template! I would also suggest rethinking some of the color choices that you've made. Rather than having hyperlinks a default blue, could you use a color that's more on brand? If it doesn't stand out enough, would it look better having the underline added back in to hyperlinks?

I"m curious about what content you'd expect the blog writer to add in below the blog topics. You have placeholder text now, but what would a blog writer add? Does it make sense to promote something immediately below the subscription box? The sidebar takes up a lot of space visually, and pulls focus from the blog content...have you considered all the places that you could serve up that content on the page? For me, it just takes away from the blog post. 


I wanted to point out that my critique is just from a standpoint of making the design as great as possible, nothing to do with the HubSpot Design Certification practicum requirements. Best of luck with getting certified!

Angela | HubSpot Academy
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I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

Hey @LKTN I'm unable to see your template as it's protected by your HubSpot accout login. Can you send a link to the preview page, or perhaps even a screenshot?

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I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

...I was able to view the second link 🙂

Overall I think the layout/format is good, althought I am not a web developer or UX proffessional, so hopefully you get some further feedback.


The first thing that came to my attention however is that there are no images used at all. Have you considered using a featured image and or image header/banner? According to Jeff Bullas, articles with images get 94% more total views than articles without images. 


I'd reccommend checking out this article from HubSpot's blog: 8 Data-Driven Tips for Using Images in Blog Posts


I want to receive a feedback about my first blog template

Thanks) It`s really good advice

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