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HubL Snippet Library for Visual Studio

The development team at Magnetic recently launched a Snippet Library for improved developer workflows when using the Visual Studio IDE. 


Installation is super easy and the library supports all HubL modules. Read full details on the Visual Studio marketplace page here:


Would love feedback from you and/or your developers and a share if it's helping to speed up your development time for COS based projects.

Looking forward,
3 Respuestas 3
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Exmiembro de HubSpot

HubL Snippet Library for Visual Studio

Hi @mattymow,


Thanks for sharing!


@ndwilliams3 @stefen I don't know if you guys use Visual Studio but you might find this interesting.



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Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum

HubL Snippet Library for Visual Studio

Right on, @relabidin - appreciate you passing along. Trying to spread the love with the dev community 😉

Looking forward,
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Asesor destacado | Partner

HubL Snippet Library for Visual Studio

I don't use it, but looks great! Let me know when there is a Sublime package available Emoticono muy feliz

Stefen Phelps, Community Champion, Kelp Web Developer
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