I have been working on a client's HubSpot Blog. They have a listing page, blog pages and the option to view an author's bio. The information on the author's bio page was good, but it needed some styling (the author image was full width so it was very large and their info was below the image). I thought I would find a page template but there wasn't one. After much searching (interestingly enough, there wasn't any information about styling or changing information on an Author's Bio Page). For this current job, thankfully it only needed some styling changes. While doing some other design modifications, I went into the Design Manager, and accessed the style sheet for this client's pages. I found the section for the Blog Author Page styles. It didn't take too long and the results are much better than what they originally were.
Can you remove the author image entirely? The template I am editing will only allow me to modify the image displayed, with some limitations that I am not fond of. In my screenshot below, I can adjust the width, but that is it unless I am missing something. I would like to either adjust the width and height or delete the author image altogether. Any help would be appreciated.
{% if blog_author %}
{% endif %}
This adds a class for your body in all author pages. And you can specifically author page using the specific class. Hope it makes things easier for you.
This is perfect - exaclty what I was looking for. I wanted to add the author's website listing above the social icons and I was able to easily add with the conditional if statement. Just FYI, the hook for that in a loop is "blog_author.website" - simply copy the other if statements and remove the social icon class and swap out that hook and you can list the author's website as well. Thank you John!!