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Add a Background Image to Your HubSpot Email Template (Custom Module)

This one seems to come up a lot (I've had plenty of client requests and see a few posts on the community) and has caused me endless hours of banging my head against the wall so I thought I'd share how I've been doing it. 


I found that Campaign Monitor's "Bulletproof Background Images" works but that I still need to force a fixed height (Robot Sad) on Outlook anyway. I created a step-by-step tutorial here on how to create something like this: 




When testing across clients it seems to work on most of them (yep, even Outlook). You'll probably still want to do some tweaking to padding, widths (my logo's a bit large on mobile on the above, for example, and a 600px image should help with displaying more of the background on Gmail), etc. but it should mostly work.


Stephanie O'Gay GarciaHubSpot Design / Development / Automation

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Add a Background Image to Your HubSpot Email Template (Custom Module)

It seems that now we can use section background and use the pattern option!

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Add a Background Image to Your HubSpot Email Template (Custom Module)

Thanks for sharing @Stephanie-OG


I want to pull in some users who may be interested in this topic: @subin@ndwilliams3@DougieD@nschurdell@zichenghu@publicorange@paulamc




Add a Background Image to Your HubSpot Email Template (Custom Module)

Thanks, Jenny! This is great!