I have the Chat Widget enabled on our website to load the Hubspot chat for our users. The issue I see is that when I load the hubspot chat code it throws a dozen or more javascript errors. Is there anyway they can fix this?
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()Understand this error reportErrorAction.ts:13 Error report triggered by 'GET_SUPPLEMENTAL_INITIAL_MESSAGES_FAILED (Silent: false) s @ reportErrorAction.ts:13Understand this error reportError.ts:59 (Event Id: bef3608ea9e549e1b92476d5f7869f92) Error reported with 'Request for https://app.hubspot.com/api/livechat-public/v1/bots/public/bot/4137236/welcomeMessages failed with status 400. ' p @ reportError.ts:59Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [componentDidCatch]: false (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [actionType]: GET_SUPPLEMENTAL_INITIAL_MESSAGES_FAILED (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [isGenericErrorMessage]: true (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [isVisibleToUser]: true (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [status]: 400 (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [data]: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <title>Error 400 Bad Request</title> </head> <body><h2>HTTP ERROR 400</h2> <p>Reason: <pre> Bad Request</pre></p> </body> </html>
(anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [headers]: /* Object, Error, or Array removed */ (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [xhr]: /* Object, Error, or Array removed */ (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [responseText]: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <title>Error 400 Bad Request</title> </head> <body><h2>HTTP ERROR 400</h2> <p>Reason: <pre> Bad Request</pre></p> </body> </html>
(anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [options]: /* Object, Error, or Array removed */ (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [message]: Request for https://app.hubspot.com/api/livechat-public/v1/bots/public/bot/4137236/welcomeMessages failed with status 400. (anonymous) @ reportError.ts:63Understand this error reportError.ts:63 Extra Data [_hsAdditionalProperties]: /* Object, Error, or Array removed */