What is lead registration?

Exmiembro de HubSpot
Exmiembro de HubSpot

What is lead registration?

Lead registration is the process of claiming an account that you want to refer or resell HubSpot to at some point.


First, register your leads inside your CRM portal to accurately track which leads you 'own'. Your clients can either self-purchase in their CRM portal, or HubSpot can co-sell with you in the sales process. Either way, you earn the same commission.

Step by step guide to lead registration >>

Guide to bulk lead registration >>

Lead Registration FAQ


A few things to keep in mind:

  • Registering a lead DOES NOT mean that HubSpot will reach out to the leads you add -- we will only reach out if you ask us to.


  • You should register leads BEFORE introducing the company to HubSpot -- or you risk losing the commission!


  • If a lead you register buys HubSpot, we will pay you commission -- you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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