The problem with the cursor jumps in Outlook when using the sales add-in is a known issue with the Office 365 add-in. It happens because of the way email tracking works in the Office 365 add-in:
When a user loads the Add-In with tracking enabled, we insert the tracking pixel at the bottom of the email's body.
This moves the cursor to the bottom of the email's body as well.
The Office API does not currently allow developers to return the cursor to its previous position. In other words, this is a bug from Microsoft's side and HubSpot doesn't have control over that.
Can you try turning off tracking and logging in the add-in settings and only check the log and track boxes when you're done typing to see if that will help?
Whats the update here @DianaGomez I too have been plagued with this issue, and depending on the email I'm responding to the email will "jump" up and down and make outlook unuseable. Please fix.
The problem with the cursor jumps in Outlook when using the sales add-in is a known issue with the Office 365 add-in. It happens because of the way email tracking works in the Office 365 add-in:
When a user loads the Add-In with tracking enabled, we insert the tracking pixel at the bottom of the email's body.
This moves the cursor to the bottom of the email's body as well.
The Office API does not currently allow developers to return the cursor to its previous position. In other words, this is a bug from Microsoft's side and HubSpot doesn't have control over that.
Can you try turning off tracking and logging in the add-in settings and only check the log and track boxes when you're done typing to see if that will help?
A year later, this is still a massive annoyance and impacts productivity. It makes it very difficult to use. I will try choosing not to automatically track and log emails and then try to rememberto recheck the boxes every time before I send. I am not sure if that will be less annoying. HubSpot has a major feature problem if it does not work smoothly with the #1 business email application.