Sales Integrations

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HubSpot Product Team

Updating your HubSpot account to multiple pipeline sync with Salesforce Integration

Multiple pipeline sync for the Salesforce integration allows HubSpot to reflect the Sales processes customers have set up in Salesforce. This lets customers use the pipeline field to now display or segment those different lines of business in HubSpot.


Prior to this release, Salesforce-integrated customers had only one pipeline in HubSpot. For customers who were already using the pipeline or deal stage property in HubSpot, the migration to multiple pipeline sync may result in broken lists, workflows, and reports. 


Below are steps on how to either update or create a new segmented list, workflows, and reports with new multiple pipeline sync with Salesforce. 


Update list, workflows, reports to include ALL pipelines/deal stages


Here are steps to update your list to include all pipelines or deal stages:

  1. Go to contacts > list
  2. Search for the list you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the list and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the list criteria 

Pipelines select all pipelines:


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Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from the additional pipelines: 



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Here are steps to update your workflows to include all pipelines or deal stages

  1. Go to automation> workflows
  2. Search for the workflow you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the workflow and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the workflow enrollment criteria 

Pipelines select all pipelines:



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Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from the additional pipelines: 



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Here are steps to update your reports to include all pipelines or deal stages

  1. Go to reports> reports
  2. Search for the report you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the report and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the report filter 

Pipelines select all pipelines:



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*** The funnel report in HubSpot only displays one pipeline. Users will not be able to add multiple pipelines to the funnel report. ***


Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from the additional pipelines: 



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Update list, workflows, reports to include SPECIFIC pipelines/deal stages


Here are steps to update your list to include specific pipelines or deal stages

  1. Go to contacts > list
  2. Search for the list you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the list and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the list criteria 

Pipelines select a specific pipeline:




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Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from a specific pipeline: 



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Here are steps to update your workflows to include specific pipelines or deal stages

  1. Go to automation> workflows
  2. Search for the workflow you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the workflow and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the workflow enrollment criteria 

Pipelines select all pipelines:



Salesforce fix 17.png



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Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from a specific pipeline:  



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Here are steps to update your reports to include specific pipelines or deal stages

  1. Go to reports> reports
  2. Search for the report you would like to update that is using the deal property ‘pipeline’ or ‘deal stage’
  3. Select the report and click ‘edit’
  4. Update the report filter 

Pipelines select all pipelines:





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Deal stages select all corresponding deal stages from a specific pipeline: 



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If you have questions regarding this please reach out to HubSpot Support

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