Sales Integrations


Slack Integration

Hi, is it possible to associate multiple deals to slack channel. What happen now is that we need to first open the deal then associate it hence it is one at a time? How do we do that? Is that possible?

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Slack Integration



A little late to the party, but nevertheless -


I don't think it is possible to automate Slack channel creation for every deal using the native Hubspot Slack integration. We ran into a similar issue while trying to do this, and descided to create a tool to help do this. 


Here's a quick overview of how Sidekick can solve for this -


If you'd like to try out this tool, please feel free to reach out and I can help setup.

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Slack Integration



Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


While it's not possible to associate deals to a Slack channel in bulk, you could use Workflows to send automated notifications about Deals to Slack - you can read more about this feature in this Knowledge base article. 

I hope this helps! 



Mia, Community Team

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