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LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
Hubspot amazes me every day. Today I sent some LinkedIn messages and realized -- Ooops, these won't be found in my Hubspot! (CRM and Sales.)
Am I right?
Is there a practice, plugin, tool, link, app, whatever, that Hubspot offers that will inform me in Hubspot CRM or Sales about the LinkedIn traffic I'm writing and receiving?
Since you don't have a unique email address specifically created by Linkedin, messages sent through that application won't be tracked by HubSpot sales. At this time, the best recommendation would be to manually log an engagment on the contact timeline. @AnnicaThorber do you have any other suggestions about using LinkedIn and the CRM together?
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
Yes, the only way to use Linkedin and Hubspot is to purchase Sales Navigator in Linkedin, as a Premium Account. Since Nov Hubspot and Linkedin offer a integration. As you mentioned you dont have a unique emailaddress (yet) for your InBox as you have in Facebook./ANNICA
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
I am connecting with prospects and they accept my invites - So, everytime i send them a LinkedIn msg - i need to go to hubspot, create a contact and then log the msg sent..
Is this how all others are using ?? Its very complicated and repetitive tasks that too in this digital age.
PLs let me know if there is a work around with Hubspot. or am i missing something ??
Since you don't have a unique email address specifically created by Linkedin, messages sent through that application won't be tracked by HubSpot sales. At this time, the best recommendation would be to manually log an engagment on the contact timeline. @AnnicaThorber do you have any other suggestions about using LinkedIn and the CRM together?
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
I understand.. But we dont need to have an unique email address specifically created by Linkedin - Rather, a "Log message" button feature on the LI mailbox feature can help me to gogin that message with the particular contact in the client company...
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
Yes, the only way to use Linkedin and Hubspot is to purchase Sales Navigator in Linkedin, as a Premium Account. Since Nov Hubspot and Linkedin offer a integration. As you mentioned you dont have a unique emailaddress (yet) for your InBox as you have in Facebook./ANNICA
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
HI - sorry late on the ball. There is a Sales Navigator integration in Hubspot but today only when you use Hubspot Sales Enterprise (incl at least 10 sales team-users), they changed that some month ago - probably from LinkedIn, so we who are only fewer cant use it anyone. Really sad
But if your team can add the Enterprise - there are som integrations ops - but not the actual Inbox messages you get in Hubspot. Im an LinkedIn-consultants for 10 years, and that would really been great. But not as far as I know. yet..
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
No you cannot a you dont have a "unique" emailaddress incl your adress as there isnt any. You can via Premium account Sales Navigator use Lead Building and the contacts you are following/connected with is possible to export. There are also other possibilities with Hubspot and Sales Navigator.
So what is it that you want to do? Just "link Linkedin to Hubspot is a little vage, just tell me and might can answer
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
Can i login my LinkedIn messages (Both Personal LInkedIn inbox and Sales Navigator mailbox) to hubspot automatically...
Because i keep reaching out to quite a few people and everytime logging them in manually is cumbersome. Just like how emails are logged in automatically - Is there a way to login Linkedin messages and sales navigator messages also??
This ingration automaticlaly logs all your LinkedIn conversations inside of HubSpot and allows you to one-click convert a LinkedIn profile into a HubSpot contact.
juil. 11, 20188:01 AM - modifié juil. 11, 20188:03 AM
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
I currently use to do some of this. I'd love to get a more seamless integration directly from HubSpot at some point in time where we could message people etc directly from the CRM.
LinkedIn is an email client. Can I link LinkedIn to Hubspot?
Thanks for the quick response. There's 2 things I want to do which used to be offered by the d-integrator Hubspot-LinkedIn Connector app in Chrome. Unfortunately that app seems to have closed down.
1) Import a LinkedIn profile into Hubspot at the touch of a "sync" button.
2) Sync LinkedIn messages with an existing Hubspot contact at the touch of a "sync" button