Sales Integrations


HS - Salesforce Integration, companies with no associated contacts

Hi all,


My company is in the midst of migrating over to Salesforce and I heard that if a company doesn't have an associated contact, it won't be included in the migration? Is this correct and if so, is there a workaround? We have a lof of parent companies that wouldn't normally have any contacts associated with them but we would still need these moved over (our contacts are normally associated with the child company). Has anyone else encountered this problem?

2 Replies 2

HS - Salesforce Integration, companies with no associated contacts

We have the same problem, and we definitely need a solution for this!


HS - Salesforce Integration, companies with no associated contacts

Update- HubSpot Support has confirmed that companies and deals with no associated contacts will not sync to Salesforce. They recommended to export all companies/deals and import into Salesforce. However, this could be a list that can go up to 4000 or more. Is there any other workaround this?