Sales Integrations


Email failed to send: Internal Email notification.

One of our sales team members is not receiving certain internal email notifcations from Workflows.  He does not recieve any email either in his inbox or spam folder, and is still recieving other notifications from Deals, Contacts etc. 


We get the following error in the workflow:

Email failed to send to 1 out of 2 recipients

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Email failed to send: Internal Email notification.

Hi @WHawkins3 


Could you provide a screenshot of the error message you are getting?

Is there any further explanation or link to a troubleshooting article?


The only thing I found in HubSpot's documentation is this:


Please note: users will not receive more than 1,000 email notifications, per notification type, per day. When a notification has been sent 1,000 times in the same day, to the same email address, any additional sends will be dropped.


But I'd say it is unlikely that this is the reason.



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Frank Steiner

Marketeer | HubSpot Expert | CRM Consultant


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Email failed to send: Internal Email notification.

No I doubt that it is the 1000 limit, as I do not see our system getting close to that at this time. 


Below is the screenshot of the error message that I can find.  There was no article linked that I could refer to from the error. 




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Email failed to send: Internal Email notification.

Hi @WHawkins3 


Thanks for sharing. To be honest, I've not come across this error yet.


Have you spoken to HubSpot Support about it already?

They have a couple of internal monitoring tools should be able to give a more specific reason as to why the email wasn't sent.



Found my comment helpful? Great! Please mark it as a solution to help other community users.

Frank Steiner

Marketeer | HubSpot Expert | CRM Consultant


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