Thank you for your reply. I've reached out to the team and got more information on this.
We've given you access to a public beta. With it, you should now be able to input your HubSpot CRM data directly into the DocuSign Template. The one catch is that custom fields can not be updated from within HubSpot, this needs to be done in the Docusign template to make any changes.
The steps to do this are: 1. Create a template in DocuSign 2. In the "Custom Fields" section of the left sidebar you can see HubSpot fields, you can put them in your template 3. When you use that template from HubSpot the appropriate data will be populated in those fields
Unfortunately, DocuSign doesn't allow us to populate values on embedded editing view, so custom fields should be placed in the template in the DocuSign app before using that template in HubSpot.
Hope that helps. Have a lovely day, Tiphaine.
EDIT June, 22
My apologies about the confusion here. After getting further clarification from the Product Team: * When talking about "Custom Fields" in the explanation above, it means "Custom fields" in relation to DocuSign and not HubSpot. When you're in the DocuSign template you'll find these custom fields on the left. Those are only HubSpot-predefined fields at the moment. * This is no longer in beta but live and can be found here.
Our DocuSign integration is no longer in beta. It is now live and available to download from our App Marketplace . Predefined HubSpot fields are available to customise your DS templates. Fields customisable by the users are not yet available, but likely to be something we will add in the future
Hi @MJamieson , I checked in with the product team. Right now, there is no plan to implement further features on the DocuSign integration. I'll create a new IDEA and would encourage everyone to upvote it, then I can present it to the product team with some significant data. I'll post the idea link in this thread shortly.
Even theses fields don't work in docusign. We upgraded to the business pro version of Docusign but still don't see any field mapped when editing a contract in Hubspot through the integration.
Can you confirm you're following these exact steps to use HubSpot fields in DocuSign? Fields added directly in the HubSpot embedded view will not be applied.
If you do follow these steps, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and specific examples about this.
Super not so great we had custom fields in the beta and now they are gone. Client super not happy with this reversion. Any timeline for adding in the functionality.
Are the default 17 "mapped fields" between Docusign and Hubspot the only ones that can be used or can we add additional custom fields as can be done with Pandadoc?
We have a beta for the DocuSign integration in which you can create HubSpot Custom Fields in DocuSign - if you're interested I'd advise connecting with HubSpot Technical Support and giving them your HubID so they can request access for you.
I have a order form in docusign and the informations for most of the fields of this document must be filled by custom informations that come from hubspot.
My problem is because this fields doesn´t appear in the hubspot integration with docusign.
I see you've opened a ticket with HubSpot technical support as your subscription includes it - they'll be better able to help you and investigate further on that!
I want to share with you this article on this that explains how to use HubSpot custom fields in the docusign templare. Does that help?
To view your mapped fields, you navigate to the Mapped fields tab. You will see a list of your HubSpot properties and their corresponding DocuSign fields.
I had seen that article but it doesn't cover custom HubSpot fields other than what imports by default. Any additional instructions there would be great.
Thank you for your reply. I've reached out to the team and got more information on this.
We've given you access to a public beta. With it, you should now be able to input your HubSpot CRM data directly into the DocuSign Template. The one catch is that custom fields can not be updated from within HubSpot, this needs to be done in the Docusign template to make any changes.
The steps to do this are: 1. Create a template in DocuSign 2. In the "Custom Fields" section of the left sidebar you can see HubSpot fields, you can put them in your template 3. When you use that template from HubSpot the appropriate data will be populated in those fields
Unfortunately, DocuSign doesn't allow us to populate values on embedded editing view, so custom fields should be placed in the template in the DocuSign app before using that template in HubSpot.
Hope that helps. Have a lovely day, Tiphaine.
EDIT June, 22
My apologies about the confusion here. After getting further clarification from the Product Team: * When talking about "Custom Fields" in the explanation above, it means "Custom fields" in relation to DocuSign and not HubSpot. When you're in the DocuSign template you'll find these custom fields on the left. Those are only HubSpot-predefined fields at the moment. * This is no longer in beta but live and can be found here.
I can see you have a ticket opened with HubSpot Technical Support, as your account have accessed to technical support - they will be better able to investigate further and help you on that.