Blocking certain leads from syncing to Hubspot contacts
Hi there
We've been using Hubspot for our inbound marketing campaigns for some years, with a sync across to our Salesforce instance.
We want to start complementing that with some outbound campaigns. As Hubspot doesn't support cold emailing in its terms of use, we're planning to run these campaigns from Saleforce.
Other than selective sync, which seems to be a) complex, and b) not supported by Hubspot's support team, is there a way to stop certain Salesforce lead records from syncing into Hubspot as contact records?
One thought is to have an "Outbound lead" field in Salesforce, with some logic somewhere in Salesforce telling it to ignore all those records.
Unsure if that's technically possible. I'm also unclear on the logical implications - especially in the event that a Salesforce lead converts into a contact associated with an opportunity (/ Hubspot deal).
Has anyone else attempted something like this, or know of any functionality to support it - other than Selective Sync?
Other than selective sync, which is indeed a pain to set up and maintain, the only option I'm aware of within the native HubSpot connector is periodic, manual import of Salesforce contacts (make sure you add these contacts to your inclusion list so they sync up with their Salesforce counterparts if taking this approach). Far from ideal.
Third-party integrations may offer you better ways of achieving this.
Other than selective sync, which is indeed a pain to set up and maintain, the only option I'm aware of within the native HubSpot connector is periodic, manual import of Salesforce contacts (make sure you add these contacts to your inclusion list so they sync up with their Salesforce counterparts if taking this approach). Far from ideal.
Third-party integrations may offer you better ways of achieving this.
Blocking certain leads from syncing to Hubspot contacts
Thanks, I fear you may be right.
To clarify, I guess the suggestion is to upload 'outbound' contacts as a Hubspot suppression list before they go into Salesforce? That way they won't sync when created as a lead record in Salesforce?
I think I might just take the approach of flagging outbound contacts, and deleting them from Hubspot on a weekly basis instead. Our current sync settings should allow us to do that cleanly.