Sales Integrations


Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hi All,


I've been able to successfully create new Contacts, Deals and Companies via Zapier. The current process looks like this:


- User submits a (Gravity Forms) form on my Wordpress website

- Zapier creates a new Contact

- Zapier creates a new Deal

- Zapier creates a new Company

- Zapier creates Associations between the 3 objects


When the user submits a form on my website, they are required to upload 3 documents, usually PDFs.


So far everything is working, except that I'm looking for a way to upload those 3 documents to the Deals -object's Attachment property. NOTE: Zapier is able to retrieve the 3 uploaded documents' URLs as a single string.


Thanks in advance!


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Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

I'm hoping for some more details as well. I'm currently trying to upload a PDF quote from a third party software called sumo quote back into my hubspot deal using this method and I'm getting stuck

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Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hey Deon,

I am just planning to create a similar integration between JotForm, Zapier and HubSpot. How is the integration working for you so far, are you satisfied? Any key do's or donts? Have you found a solution for the attachments?

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キーアドバイザー | Gold Partner
キーアドバイザー | Gold Partner

Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hi @DKretzschmar 


I've coded object attachments in HubSpot, from an external system, and I'd be really suprised if Zapier can handle it (no disrespect to Zapier) there's a lot of moving parts.


Can you use HubSpot's file upload field in your form and embed the form on your website?




Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

"Can you use Hubspot's file upload field in your form and embed the form on your website?"

Hey Mike - I did exactly that - now I'd like to attach those files from my upload field direct to my ticket - is it possible via workflow?

キーアドバイザー | Gold Partner
キーアドバイザー | Gold Partner

Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hi @MRodrigues8 


From memory you can set the Form to create the Ticket which will automatically add the attachment to the Ticket... did that work?



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Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hi Mike,


Thanks for the response! That is a solution that we've considered.


I'm not too familiar with Hubspots form builder...Would the form be able to do the other tasks I've mentioned above as well? Like:

• Creating a Contact, Deal and Company from the single form submission

• Creat associations between these 3 objects


Another question regarding the forms, can a single in the form be "shared" among the 3 objects? For example:

• User fills in the "Email address" -field and submits form

• The Contact, Deal and Company objects all have their "Email" property populated by the same field entry above.


Kind regards,


0 いいね!

Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hi @DKretzschmar 


Thank you for reaching out.


I want to tag some of our experts here - @Mike_Eastwood @MandyDROS @himanshurauthan can you think of anything here regarding @DKretzschmar 's question? 


Thank you!



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ソートリーダー | Elite Partner
ソートリーダー | Elite Partner

Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Hello @DKretzschmar ],


You can upload a File and set its permissions using the CMS Files API. Once you've uploaded the file you will get the response in which there will be an ID. Now using this ID you can process further and, associate the file to your deal (using the File ID returned from the CMS Files API) with the Create Engagement API.


I hope this helps!



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

Add attachments to Deals object via Zapier

Could you explain this in more detail please? I just started to use Hubspot and this is a crucial feature for our company and I really want to keep using Hubspot as our CRM

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