Sales Hub Tools


eSign Date displaying incorrectly as Dec 31, 1969

Hi all! We're implementing Hubspot Quotes and using the esignature functionality but I noticed the eSign Date personalization token is not functioning correctly.


For all created, published, and signed Quotes the eSign Date is displayed as December 31, 1969 as opposed to the date it was signed by all parties. 


Any advice?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

eSign Date displaying incorrectly as Dec 31, 1969

Hi @Looma_Cat,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!  

December 31, 1969 is the default date properties revert to if no other date is available; we sometimes see this with cloned properties and objects in the CRM. If you haven't already, please reach out to our technical support – they'll be able to have a look at the quotes in your account and investigate further. Thank you! 


Mia, Community Team

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