Hi there We need to have different quotes templates. What I didn't discover so far is, how (as a user) to choose from the different templates, when the user is in the process of creating a quote. The way I did it: deals --> quotes --> add read more
We have an if statement in our quotes that has always worked properly, and it suddenly stopped working. I have narrowed it down to the fact that we compare the field value with the internal value we have setup in the dropdown field: read more
Thanks for the tag @DianaGomez - but I haven't seen this error or change either. @GabrielM I can tell you from experience that pre-INBOUND we som...read more
Hi, I'm New to Hubspot and looking for help on checking the template_data.quote.associated_objects.company.country so i change change the wording depending on the country. ie IF company.country = Scotland have the wording "a company registered in Sc read more
Do you want to segment the people you want to send your email template to? Or you are looking at sending emails to those conditions created by you? ...read more
Hello, I want to include VAT in every quote. Currently, when generating a new quote I manually add a tax, call it VAT and set it to the correct amount. That is error-prone. Isn't there a way to have VAT automatically added to every new quot read more
Hi @AlexanderSchöne , Unfortuantely I don't think you can automatically add VAT to a quote in HubSpot at the moment without using their API. ...read more
I have created custom quote templates, utilizing both Deal and Primary Company Property Personalization Tokens. My Deal properties are syncing in perfectly. My Company Properties are not syncing into my quote, in spite of: A Prim read more
Thank you so much for your response, Pam! Definitely. That's why I included that the needed properties do have values within the Company Record, and ...read more
Hi All, Very quick one, I was wondering if there is an audit log of who created templates in Hubspot. One of our SDRs has been made Template owner however they are adamant they haven't created any and just need to know who has created them and p read more
Hi community, We are currently implementing HubSpot's quotation and eSign function. So far we have been using Google Docs and Dropbox Sign for our quotes and contracts. We have everything set up so far. Now we are facing the challenge that t read more
Hi Sebastian, My pleasure! I am not familar with German law requirements, so I don't have any advice there. A half-baked idea that came to mind ...read more
Hi @SHinojosa3
I’m unsure whether you’re referring to marketing emails or sales sequences. Anyways, if you’re asking about marketing email, yo...read more
Hey @Rolly not at the moment no, you could manually set the table's width however through the rich text editor. If you navigate to advanced > so...read more
Hi everyone, We hired a developer to create a custom quote template for us. I thought I gave her all the permissions she needed to do so but she cannot create a quote. (see the image below). How can I give her access to the quotes without g read more
Hello everyone, We currently developing our own quot templates and looking for a way to group products by type. Licenses (ongoing costs) Consultation (One-off costs) Optional licenses Optional consultation To achieve this, we have adde read more
Right now all users can see five Conversations Templates. But unfortunately teh five that anyone can see are the first five ever created in your instance. This isn't useful, as the first templates were potentially tests, or after a couple years, woe read more
I was trying to avoid doing it manually, and no, we dont want more sales pro seats. I was hoping to point out that the current idea of making the "fi...read more