Sales Hub Tools

Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Unable to call phone number that may be fraudulent - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

If you tried to call a number in HubSpot and received an error about that number being blocked, please continue reading. If you have a different question, post here.


HubSpot and our call provider flag certain numbers that have been used in various forms of call fraud. Those numbers are blacklisted to prevent abuse and protect our customers. If you tried to call a number in HubSpot and received an error about that number being blocked, please do the following:

  1. Check that the number you are trying to call has been entered correctly: 1) It is the number you intended to call and 2) It is formatted properly with country and area codes.
  2. If your subscription includes HubSpot Technical Support, log into your portal and file a ticket, or call Support.
  3. If the Community is your Support channel, post below and include the following information:
    • Your HubSpot user email address and portal ID
    • The phone number being blocked
    • Link to contact record and date/time stamp of attempted call
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