Sales Hub Tools


Two meeting schedulers and availability

We have a round-robin meeting scheduler for calls with our sales reps. In September, we are hosting a conference and would like the ability for our reps to meet with folks in-person during the event, so we plan to make a separate meeting scheduler for that event.

My question is, how do we block availability on the usual meeting scheduler so calls cannot be booked at that time, but still offer availability for the in-person scheduler? Is there a workaround? 

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Two meeting schedulers and availability

Hi @lrn24,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community! 


It's my understanding that you have two meeting schedulers (round-robin calendar) and a meeting scheduler for an upcoming conference and that you're looking to block off availability on the usual meeting scheduler. 


I wanted to share this knowledge base article on round-robin calendars and availability: "Understand group and round robin meeting availability" for information about the different types of meeting links. 


Are you looking to see if it's possible to automatically sync the availability between these two calendars?

Are the same reps who are on the round-robin calendar also attending the conference? 


The more information you can include on how you're planning to use each calendar, the better the community can assist.


Thank you,


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