Sales Hub Tools


Transfer ownership of meeting from one user to another

Is it possible to transfer the "ownership" of a meeting from one Hubspot user to another?


When we started using Hubspot, we made the mistake of having a single person log all of our meetings, even when this person was not actually responsible for hosting/scheduling the meeting (or even present in the meeting). 


Now, we want to go back and change these meetings so that the correct user is considered the host. Is it possible to do this?

4 Replies 4

Transfer ownership of meeting from one user to another

I can't speak for other integrations, but if you use Google Calendar you can actually change the host and it will update in Hubspot.  You have to change it in Google Calendar in order for it to feed over to hubspot.  I believe I also have admin level access to everyone's calendar to be able to make these changes in Google Calendar, and with this access I can change the host from one sales person to another.  I have found it helpful to schedule meetings on my calendar (I am in an admin role, not a sales role) and then move them to the appropriate sales person by changing the host that way as well.  Hope this helps!


Transfer ownership of meeting from one user to another

This is kinda crazy that it cannot be changed for a number of reasons - not the least of which is data entry notes. 


Transfer ownership of meeting from one user to another

For example, here you can see a bunch of meetings that have been assigned to the wrong team member.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Transfer ownership of meeting from one user to another

Hi @shcallaway,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community!


Currently, it's not possible to transfer the ownership of meetings, so you would have to book or log the meeting with the new owner.


if you would like to see this tool in the future, I would recommend upvoting and commenting on these related feature requests in our Ideas Forum:

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