Task notifications contain no info, take me to the main tasks page instead of the specific task?
I'm evaluating Hubspot CRM for my team, and throughout our testing we've found a few confusing behaviors related to the task notification emails. First of all, whenever a task is assigned to a member or a member is mentioned in a task, that member receives an email, but the email doesn't contain the name of the task; just the notes (if they exist). Furthermore, the link on the bottom of the email (View Tasks or View Mention) doesn't take the user to the actual task they were assigned or the mention that was made, but only to the home tasks page.
What this means for us is that a user will receive an empty email notification about a new task assigned or a mention, open the Tasks page in Hubspot via the link, and then have absolutely no idea where they were mentioned or what they were assigned, and this doesn't seem like the intended behavior. Is there any way to fix this?
Task notifications contain no info, take me to the main tasks page instead of the specific task?
Hi @andrewmang. At this time, this is the default functionality of the Tasks tool. Improvements ot the functionality will be relesed with furture updates.
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Task notifications contain no info, take me to the main tasks page instead of the specific task?
Hi @andrewmang. At this time, this is the default functionality of the Tasks tool. Improvements ot the functionality will be relesed with furture updates.
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Task notifications contain no info, take me to the main tasks page instead of the specific task?
I have experienced the behavior described by the OP. It's very frustrating. The notification template is not very useful. Because all email notifications use the same email subject, Gmail groups them together so it's easy to miss notifications. Half the page contains "Hi, Username Other Username assigned you a new task." (BTW, comma is misplaced there). The other half of the email is the name of the company and the contact. The task description is almost hidden and the subject of the task is completely missing. Is there any information regarding when this will be improved?