Setting all data activity for contacts to match their Timezone
I'm almost positive Hubspot hasn't built a solution to this yet, BUT I'm hopeful some fellow Hubspot ninjas out there have already designed an outside the box approach to closing this gap.
Reps make outbound calls and schedule appointments. The Hubspot acct's default timezone is EST, but our team also works with CST customers. Each customer has Hubspot's default timezone set to their native timezone.
When reps schedule the call via CRM on the contact record, they schedule the meeting in the customers native timezone on the calendar, BUT once the meeting event is saved, the date and time stamp on the 'next activity date' field will convert/revert the value to EST.
We have a workflow that turns the next activity date/time into a string and sets it as a token to an email confirmation and sms reminder, but what gets transmitted for CST customers is a date/time in EST which is confusing.
Could a possible solution be a calculated property to convert the EST valus to CST based on the contacts set timezone? Has anyone tried that?