I'm trying to create a score property to understand intent for a company. I want to add as a criteria the # of times contacts associated with this company fill out a particular form. I can't seem to find a way to do this.
Ideally, I'd also like to score higher the form submissions from contacts with more senior job titles.
My name is Olivia and I am an ex-HubSpotter turned HubSpot expert for Baskey the agency. Happy to help here!
You can definitely achieve this using workflows that set a company property each time an assocaited contact fills out a form and then use that new company property in your scoring calculations.
Do you have access to workflows on your subscription?
Olivia Bagnall
Inbound Consultant | HubSpot Specialist | Community Champion
Sep 2, 202411:22 AM - edited Sep 2, 202411:23 AM
Score Property with number of form submissions
Hey, you already have a property for this per default, the Number of form submissions from the Default Company Properties (the same property exists for contacts, even though it is not currently in the documentation, you can find it in your CRM).
So one way would be to make a new score property on a company level, and then give points to the total number of form submissions and points for seniority. If you want to weigh the number of form submissions by seniority, you will have to make a workaround, which may not be pleasant with the tools that HubSpot gives you.
The easiest solution I can think of is this: - Understand your job titles (E.g. Segment them as Seniority Level 1, 2, 3)
- Make a numeric property (Company Intent) (or whatever you would like to call it) - Make a Contact Event-based Workflow that is triggered every time a form is submitted - On an If-Then branch, If Seniority is 1, increase Company Intent from the associated company by 3. If it is 2 by 2, if it is 3 by 1 (or something like this) This will only work going forward.
If you want it to go backwards in time, too, you need to use filter criteria and possibly the Form Submissions value; I am not sure how much HS allows you to use other property values for this, though.
Sep 2, 202411:22 AM - edited Sep 2, 202411:23 AM
Score Property with number of form submissions
Hey, you already have a property for this per default, the Number of form submissions from the Default Company Properties (the same property exists for contacts, even though it is not currently in the documentation, you can find it in your CRM).
So one way would be to make a new score property on a company level, and then give points to the total number of form submissions and points for seniority. If you want to weigh the number of form submissions by seniority, you will have to make a workaround, which may not be pleasant with the tools that HubSpot gives you.
The easiest solution I can think of is this: - Understand your job titles (E.g. Segment them as Seniority Level 1, 2, 3)
- Make a numeric property (Company Intent) (or whatever you would like to call it) - Make a Contact Event-based Workflow that is triggered every time a form is submitted - On an If-Then branch, If Seniority is 1, increase Company Intent from the associated company by 3. If it is 2 by 2, if it is 3 by 1 (or something like this) This will only work going forward.
If you want it to go backwards in time, too, you need to use filter criteria and possibly the Form Submissions value; I am not sure how much HS allows you to use other property values for this, though.
My name is Olivia and I am an ex-HubSpotter turned HubSpot expert for Baskey the agency. Happy to help here!
You can definitely achieve this using workflows that set a company property each time an assocaited contact fills out a form and then use that new company property in your scoring calculations.
Do you have access to workflows on your subscription?
Olivia Bagnall
Inbound Consultant | HubSpot Specialist | Community Champion