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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

If you are having trouble registering your phone number, please read this post before posting your question. 


If you are unable to register a phone number with HubSpot, please see this document to verify whether your country number is supported by HubSpot sales. 


Please note: HubSpot Sales Free and HubSpot Sales Pro users are subject to different limitations. 


Supported countries for HubSpot Sales Free users:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

When using HubSpot Sales Free, you will only be able to call to the country where you are also calling from. For example, if you register a number to call from in the United States, you will only be able to make calls to numbers in the United States.



If your number is supported for your HubSpot account type, there are three potential reasons why you are having difficulty submitting a number:

1. You are using a browser extension that is conflicting with HubSpot.
If you have multiple browser plugins/extensions there could be one that is conflicting with the HubSpot call queue. To troubleshoot this, you will need consult with your IT team (if/where possible) and/or test each plugin by uninstalling to see if, once removed, you are able to register the number successfully. 

2. You VOIP system (Voice over Internet Protocol - the software or hardware you use to make calls) conficts with HubSpot & Twilio
HubSpot uses a third-party service, Twilio, to host the Call Queue. There are some VOIP systems, e.g. Aircall, that are not supported by Twilio. If you think this could be affecting your ability to use HubSpot, please consult with your IT team (where possible) and send me details of the VOIP system you are using. 

3. You have exceeded the number of registration attempts. 
There is a certain number attempts a user can make to register a number with HubSpot/Twilio each day. The registration attempt is capped at 1 attempt per minute and 10 attempts per day per user. If you are repeatedly trying to register a number and exceed this cap, you will need to wait 24hrs. 


If you are still experiencing issues after taking these steps, please provide the following information: 

1. The phone number you are trying to connect

2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to

3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.)

4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring


Thank you,

38 Respuestas 38

Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

I am trying to us my companies VOIP but the verification code kept cutting out/ dropping off.  What info do you need to understand if our system is compatible?

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hi @HeatherVD 


Thank you for reaching out. 


I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and further information about this. 


Thank you!



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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

no Italy? 😪

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hello @LBattistini, for Italy calls are only available for HubSpot Sales Hub and Service Hub users,

as this article explains moreSupported countries for HubSpot calling.




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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING



Can you please check why I can't make calls on Toky via Hubspot?


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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hi @liaisonmanager 


At the moment as this article explains more: Supported countries for HubSpot calling


Call for Japan are only available for HubSpot Sales Hub and Service Hub users


"Please note: you can make calls from HubSpot using a phone number registered from China. However, calls cannot be made to China using HubSpot's calling tool. To make calls to China, use one of HubSpot's calling partners. "


I hope this helps.






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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

I am trying to link my Google Voice number.  Is there a problem using that platform?


The call dosen't go through to the computer or the phone.

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hello @inimofde 


You should not have issues connecting your google voice number to HubSpot.

Can you please enable calling in your account first by navigating to "settings" > "sales" > "calling" and select "enable calling". 


Once you have completed this step, please try connecting your phone number again, and if you are still stuck, can you please direct message me the following information:


1. The phone number you are trying to connect

2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to

4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring






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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

I have a samsung Note 10 and can not seem to register the device, Would like a little help with this issue

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hi @shanebohan,


If you are still experiencing issues after taking these steps, can you please diret message me the following information: 

1. The phone number you are trying to connect

2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to

3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.)

4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

My name is Gianfranco

Do you speak spanish?

I have around 5 cellphones asociated to call with hubspot app mobile but my account can not abke to register my peruvian phone number. All numbers are from Perú and the last 3 days ago I can not to register my calling. I have deleted my phone number and to try register again but I can not. Hubspot doesn´t allow me register my peruvian phone number (mobile) but my other colleagues can register theirs calling with hubspot on mobile. My colleagues have regitered your peruvian cellphone without problems. What do you think the solution about it this error?  I am the super administrator and I have the free version like other colleagues too.

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hola @Gianfranco 


Esta es la lista de los Países compatibles para los usuarios de HubSpot CRM gratuitos:

Reino Unido
Estados Unidos


Por lo que Perú no se encuentra dentro de ésta lista. Para que puedas utilizar la funcionalidad de llamada con tu número peruano es necesario que tengas suscripción de Sales Starter, Pro o Enterprise.


Puedes encontrar más detalles sobre ésto aquí


Un Saludo,


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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING


I am having the same problem and the software wont verify my number. It starts calling my number and says it isnt able to be verified. Any suggestions?

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hello Jenny,


I just tried it again and it has now registered correctly. The only think I changed this time was that I used an extra 0 in my phone number. I will explain it here in case it helps other cellphone users here in Australia...


Normally, when I call another mobile number from within Australia, I dial 04 followed by the number, such as 04 12 345 678.


When I am in the USA, and I want to call an Australian number, I would dial +61 4 12 345 678, that is drooping the leading zero.  This is the number format I had been using with Hubspot, and indeed the hubspot dialler did ring me. 


However, to get it to work, I entered into Hubspot +61 04 12 345 678 with the extra zero. To my suprise, Hubspot system also dialled me, and this time registration completed correctly the first time.


I hope this helps.



Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hi Jenny,


I am still having trouble registering my phone.  Here is the information you requested:


1. The phone number you are trying to connect + (an Australian phone)

2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to

3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.) mobile

4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring My phone rings, I answer, and I am asked to enter the six digit number (which I see on the screen). I enter the number that I see on the screen, I can hear the DTMF six touch-tones being sent, but the system constatntly responds with a message that the number was incorrect. After three tries the system says try again later. I try a day later, but with the same result.


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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

If you are still experiencing issues after taking these steps, please provide the following information: 

1. The phone number you are trying to connect


2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to


3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.)


4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring

hubspot displays that cannot connect to this number

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

number: 603-381-9563

Phone type: Cell phone

Hubspot ID: 7413803

I get to the point where it starts to dial my phone and gives me the code but the call never gets to my phone and then it says cant verify the number.

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Administrador de la comunidad

Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

Hi @TDC2020,


Can you please enable calling in your account first by navigating to "settings" > "sales" > "calling" and select "enable calling". 


Once you have completed this step, please try connecting your phone number again, and if you are still stuck, please let me know. 


Thank you,


0 Me gusta

Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

1. The phone number you are trying to connect


2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to


3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.)


4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring


Not sure my phone and computer are both on the same internet connection if one goes down the other does.

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Registering phone number: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

f you are still experiencing issues after taking these steps, please provide the following information: 

1. The phone number you are trying to connect : 

2. The Hub ID you are looking to connect the phone number to :

3. What type of phone you are trying to connect (mobile, landline, skype, etc.) Desktop Circleloop 

4. Where in the connection the breakdown is occurring - call comes through on Circle loop, I enter the 6 digit code and I can hear the numbers being entered but it is not registering 

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