Sales Hub Tools


Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

Hi community - I am new to using HubSpot products and quotes and am trying to create a multi-year deal where year 1 is full price and years 2 and 3 are discounted. I don't see an easy way to do this. I can make the product a constant annual price and add a year 1 "onboarding" (like what HubSpot does themselves) but I don't want to do this - I want to be able to position it as a discount for the later years, not an upcharge for the first. 

Does anyone have a suggestion on how this might be accomplished?

Many thanks in advance!

6 Replies 6

Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

This is really a critical for any SaaS business, ESPECIALLY small early stage businesses that are often looking at heavy discounting in year 1 with decreasing discounts in subsequent years. It is frankly a little bit silly to me that there is a more burdensome (but totally serviceable) workaround available in the product. At that point, why not just make it easy on your customers... This should be a default feature in Sales Pro

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

Hi there !


Thank you for you message.  I think I understand what you want to achieve here and I think it is a good idea. In order to help you with this, there is several questions I would like to ask you.

- Could you tell me what is your subscription with Hubspot ? Do you have the free version or are you working with starter / pro / Entreprise subscription for sales tools ?

I just want to make sure that I have the right context on your side to be able to help you with this.



Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

Hi - we have Sales Pro (and Marketing Starter).



HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

Hi Bruce,

Thank you for your message : )

So what I would suggest is to first create your product in the product library with the full amount of the subscription (the amount they are supposed to pay in full for the first year).

Then create a a test of a deal, to check if what I suggest is working.

In the deal, on the right side bar, into the product section, select add product. This should open the new window with the product in line.  you should be seeing something like this :

community post 1.PNG

If you don't see this window, check on the left bottom of your screen, you should see a BETA there. Ask to have the BETA installed, after that you should be transferred to the new screen.

So I was thinking about having you adding the same product there with a 12 month lenght and have the start date change for the next product. Here is a test that I made on my own :

year 1.PNG

You can find more info about this in this article : Edit products and terms in the line items editor

Would that be suiting what you are trying to achieve ?



Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

This is good except the effective dates for years 2 and 3 do not appear in the customer facing quote (see below). Is it possible to push these into the quote? I guess I can create separate products for years 2 and 3 but was trying to accomplish it with one product and discounting.







HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Quotes and discounts - discounting year 2 and 3 of a multi-year deal

Hi Bruce, thank you for your message. Indeed, I see that it is not appearing on my side either. I suppose as a workaround you could indeed set this up with 3 different product. However, I would also suggest that you give a feedback to the product team in the little button at the left bottom of the product line page (Beta / Submit feedback). As this is still in Beta, I'm sure the product team would be happy to hear about that.