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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Why is the meta tag changing on my browser tab when live chat is activated?

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ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner

Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hey @JMcClarey I'm not a fan of this either tbh. But it's pretty much standard proceedure for live chat bots. It means the tab opened displays the new message information when a user is visiting. IE if I leave your website open and open another tab, your website will show "new message" or something along those lines within the tab title. 


Again, I'm not a fan of this at all, but it's what pretty much every livechat widget does now. It might be a good idea to add as a feature request to the ideas board however! 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hi @JMcClarey,


I hope you are having an amazing day!


Would you mind providing additional information regarding the circumstances in which you are noticing changes to the meta tag on your browser tab when live chat is activated?


  • Have there been any recent modifications to the live chat settings or code on your website? 
  • Is this issue occurring consistently or does it happen intermittently? 
  • Are there any specific error messages or warnings displayed when the meta tag changes occur?

Could you kindly share screenshots of what you're seeing to better understand the behavior you're experiencing?


By gaining a better understanding of your situation, I will be able to offer more precise guidance or suggest potential solutions.


Best regards, 


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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hi Diana,

Thanks for the reply.  No recent modifications to the site apart from regular content updates.  I tried resetting the HubSpot account but this didn't work.  The issue is ongoing and happens consistently when the bot is activated.  No warning messages appear.  This is the meta tag before the chatbot


 this is the meta tag after the chatbot is activated...


Thanks for looking into this issue and good to hear others are experiencing the same frustrations as well.



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ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner

Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hey @JMcClarey I'm not a fan of this either tbh. But it's pretty much standard proceedure for live chat bots. It means the tab opened displays the new message information when a user is visiting. IE if I leave your website open and open another tab, your website will show "new message" or something along those lines within the tab title. 


Again, I'm not a fan of this at all, but it's what pretty much every livechat widget does now. It might be a good idea to add as a feature request to the ideas board however! 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Thanks for the reply Tom, it only appears to be a recent change on this side and its really just the aesthetics that I don't like about it.  Hopefully there is a fix

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ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner

Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


I thought this was always the case to be honest! 

@DianaGomez was there an update from the chatbot team that pushed meta title updating? 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hi @JMcClarey and @TomM2


Thank you so much for the tag, Tom. I am currently investigating internally about this topic. As soon as I have more information, I will let you know. 


Best regards,


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Meta tag chaning when live chat activated


Hi @JMcClarey and @TomM2,


Thank you for your patience regarding this matter. I appreciate your understanding. I was investigating an update from the chatbot team regarding the modification of meta titles. However, it appears that the explanation provided by Tom is correct.


Typically, your browser tab is intended to display the title of the web page you are currently on. However, it is common for web pages to dynamically alter the content displayed on the browser tab when a live chat widget is opened. This is done to enhance the accessibility and visibility of the chat feature while working within your browser, as well as to notify you when a new message is received.

Therefore, this behavior is intentionally designed and is widely recognized as an industry standard. 😊


As Tom mentioned, if this is something you would like to see changed, you can use our ideas forum to present your use case and rationale for this change. Remember, the more votes an idea receives, the higher the chances of it being reviewed by the product team.



Best regards,



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