Sales Hub Tools


I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


My sales reps would like the ability to create a filter for deals based on certain line items on existing deals. This would allow our sales reps to revisit deals with products they can upgrade.

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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi @KMcReynolds ! After chatting with my team of HS experts, it seems like the only two workarounds would be to 1) to create a multi-select checkbox field with a list of all products in your product library, that would manually (because you can’t autofill with a workflow) need to be filled upon deal creation (can make this a required field on the deal creation menu) or 2) a template custom report that could be customized as needed to filter by line item name, SKU, etc.

If you want to chat further about this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

SyncMatters | Noah McKeon

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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi there, 
For your Product Line is this a field you complete? For example - Deal with McDonald's - completed a field 'Product Line' = 'Fries'
If so, you can filter all deals with 'Fries' in the pipeline OR You can create a separate pipeline for all deals with 'Fries'
If this doesn't make sense or you need further assistance, just shout and I can provide screenshots or a video demo for you. Thanks

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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi @KMcReynolds 


I see 2 options, based on the complexity of your product portfolio: 

1) small to medium product portfolio - you can create a custom deal property "Product family" (dropdown), the value of this property can be assigned with a workflow - each workflow branch will assign one value from your dropdown list based on Line item name is equal/contains

2) for a big portfolio/one that's evolving all the time you can copy Line item name value to a deal using Zapier integration with HubSpot and work from there. 

Hope one of these can help!

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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


What I have done is trained my reps to enter the package (radio select custom property field) when creating a deal so then the Line item correlates with it. For reporting, I can see many things and one thing I love looking at is Packages with no Add ons or Deals with x package and potential for upgrades/add-ons based on behavioral events within our software triggered to HubSpot on that company/contact profile or if it net new.. based on interactions on site/chat/etc. 


Another way I have done it is with the Chargbee integration, Product lines have IDs so if the ID is ____ the line item would be ____ and then you can create a workflow to automatically put that on the deal or company level. You can also do mapping to and from HS and CB for this to be all done in HS. 


Another way to do it, create a deal workflow and then select Line Items, the property Name and then I usually go with Contains _____ as our line items are different for each.. you could do it as all of them in one workflow with or statements then If/then to branch off the next part... so after you set up the triggers, I created a line item property field in deals so the team can filter by them (this was all before CB but now with HubSpot Payments/Subscriptions are process is wayyyy better).  You can either do it as copy the value or set the value depending on how you set up the workflow. 


DM me if you want me to loom you or reply here and I can do that as well! I created a sample WF so I didn't have to share the craziness of what we had actually haha.. photo attached is a simple way but might help start you off on a good foot! 


I have done some crazy cool stuff in our CRM to help out our teams (Support, CS, and Sales) so LMK if you want me to loom you! 

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7 Respostas 7

I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi @LouiseGlover can you explain this further please. I have product lines set up but they don't appear when I attempt to filter the pipeline by those names. Many thanks!

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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


What I have done is trained my reps to enter the package (radio select custom property field) when creating a deal so then the Line item correlates with it. For reporting, I can see many things and one thing I love looking at is Packages with no Add ons or Deals with x package and potential for upgrades/add-ons based on behavioral events within our software triggered to HubSpot on that company/contact profile or if it net new.. based on interactions on site/chat/etc. 


Another way I have done it is with the Chargbee integration, Product lines have IDs so if the ID is ____ the line item would be ____ and then you can create a workflow to automatically put that on the deal or company level. You can also do mapping to and from HS and CB for this to be all done in HS. 


Another way to do it, create a deal workflow and then select Line Items, the property Name and then I usually go with Contains _____ as our line items are different for each.. you could do it as all of them in one workflow with or statements then If/then to branch off the next part... so after you set up the triggers, I created a line item property field in deals so the team can filter by them (this was all before CB but now with HubSpot Payments/Subscriptions are process is wayyyy better).  You can either do it as copy the value or set the value depending on how you set up the workflow. 


DM me if you want me to loom you or reply here and I can do that as well! I created a sample WF so I didn't have to share the craziness of what we had actually haha.. photo attached is a simple way but might help start you off on a good foot! 


I have done some crazy cool stuff in our CRM to help out our teams (Support, CS, and Sales) so LMK if you want me to loom you! 


I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi @KMcReynolds 


I see 2 options, based on the complexity of your product portfolio: 

1) small to medium product portfolio - you can create a custom deal property "Product family" (dropdown), the value of this property can be assigned with a workflow - each workflow branch will assign one value from your dropdown list based on Line item name is equal/contains

2) for a big portfolio/one that's evolving all the time you can copy Line item name value to a deal using Zapier integration with HubSpot and work from there. 

Hope one of these can help!

Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi @KMcReynolds ! After chatting with my team of HS experts, it seems like the only two workarounds would be to 1) to create a multi-select checkbox field with a list of all products in your product library, that would manually (because you can’t autofill with a workflow) need to be filled upon deal creation (can make this a required field on the deal creation menu) or 2) a template custom report that could be customized as needed to filter by line item name, SKU, etc.

If you want to chat further about this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

SyncMatters | Noah McKeon
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Gerente da Comunidade

I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hello @KMcReynolds thank you for posting in our Community!

I would like to invite our top experts to this conversation @Edyta7510 @LouiseGlover @noahmckeon any recommendations to @KMcReynolds matter?


Thank you,


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I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items

Thanks Pam!
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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro

I would like a filter for Deals based on Product Line Items


Hi there, 
For your Product Line is this a field you complete? For example - Deal with McDonald's - completed a field 'Product Line' = 'Fries'
If so, you can filter all deals with 'Fries' in the pipeline OR You can create a separate pipeline for all deals with 'Fries'
If this doesn't make sense or you need further assistance, just shout and I can provide screenshots or a video demo for you. Thanks