Sales Hub Tools


How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner




Trying to find a way to delete a lead record associated to a contact record that I do not own. 


In this case the owners on the contact records (and lead records) do not have a Sales Professional Seat so I cannot delete the leads from the view in the Prospecting tool.





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How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


The workaround below worked for me. I'd still like a better solution though!


1. Create a dymanic list; contact based. 
2. Create this filter for the list:

- Lead owner is unknown

- See screenhots

3. Create a worflow that enrols contracts in this list and reassigns the contact owner (to you). Lead ownership will also be updated to match. 

4. Use the prospecting tool to delete the leads (or action them as you wish).

5. Optional: reassign the contacts to original owners.


List filters steps:

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.24.04.png

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.24.18.png



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Mitglied | Gold Partner
Mitglied | Gold Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey Will!

I have a potential solution for you. Let me know if this works.



  1. Create a lead stage to hold the leads you want to delete (perhaps called "To Be Deleted").
  2. Create a lead-based workflow and enroll leads with no owners or leads assigned to specific owners. Use the workflow to auto-assign them to you and move them to the stage you created earlier.
  3. Now, you can go to your prospecting dashboard, filter by that lead stage (i.e., "To Be Deleted"), and bulk delete those leads!
  4. Leave that workflow on to continue to catch more leads that are either unassigned or owned by a specific user.

Here's a quick video where I walk through what I describe above: 


Hope this helps!



Keller Hawthorne

CEO | Chief HubSpot Nerd

L7 Mixed Media, Inc.

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12 Antworten
Mitglied | Gold Partner
Mitglied | Gold Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey Will!

I have a potential solution for you. Let me know if this works.



  1. Create a lead stage to hold the leads you want to delete (perhaps called "To Be Deleted").
  2. Create a lead-based workflow and enroll leads with no owners or leads assigned to specific owners. Use the workflow to auto-assign them to you and move them to the stage you created earlier.
  3. Now, you can go to your prospecting dashboard, filter by that lead stage (i.e., "To Be Deleted"), and bulk delete those leads!
  4. Leave that workflow on to continue to catch more leads that are either unassigned or owned by a specific user.

Here's a quick video where I walk through what I describe above: 


Hope this helps!



Keller Hawthorne

CEO | Chief HubSpot Nerd

L7 Mixed Media, Inc.

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Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Trying to figure this out myself. It's crazy that there is no way to see ALL leads in the system even as super admin. We have created 250+ unassigned leads in the system and there is no way to delete them....and I can't reassign them with a workflow to myself so I can access them from he prospecting tool (because you cannot re-assign leads with a workflow).

Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 21.56.46.png


How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey @JMogard,


Agreed this is somewhat frustrating.


Workaround is to reassign the contact records to which those leads are associated to a Sales Pro user (ideally yourself), then use the Leads view in the prospecting tool to delete them 50 at a time. 

Edit: Should have mentioned that lead ownership appears to follow contact ownership of the associated contact, which is why workflows cannot be used for this. 

Appreciate this is not a satisfactory solution. Hopefully somebody might be able to help with a better one. 

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


I can't reassign them though since they are unassigned and there is no way for me to access a view where I can change the owner of the Lead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


The workaround below worked for me. I'd still like a better solution though!


1. Create a dymanic list; contact based. 
2. Create this filter for the list:

- Lead owner is unknown

- See screenhots

3. Create a worflow that enrols contracts in this list and reassigns the contact owner (to you). Lead ownership will also be updated to match. 

4. Use the prospecting tool to delete the leads (or action them as you wish).

5. Optional: reassign the contacts to original owners.


List filters steps:

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.24.04.png

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.24.18.png



Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Creative work-around! I will do that and then eagerly wait for HubSpot to fix a smoother interface for this.

Stratege/Strategin | Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hi @WNAmiqus 

As far as I see, you're trying to delete a Lead from the Prospecting tool. 

If that's the case, you can simply do it by clicking a square of this lead on the left, and then choosing

Знімок екрана 2023-11-24 о 14.05.08.png

Delete leads as per the below screenshot




Anton Tverdokhlib,
HubSpot Expert | RevOps & CRM & Automation Consultant


How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey, thanks @tverdokhlib1 for in input. This works as you described but does not solve my problem.


Deleting leads is possible by the method you screenshotted. However, I want to mass delete leads accross multiple contact owners. I can do this by individually viewing each of their prospecting tool views, and going on the Leads tab. This is not a good way to manage leads en masse though, so I'm looking for a better way. 


The second issue is some of my leads are associated to conatcts owned by users that do not have access to the prospecting tool. The only way I could delete these leads is to reassign the contacts to me, delete the lead as above, then reassign the contacts back to the original owners. Surely there is a better way, or a singular view of leads where I can adminster en masse (like with contact record views).

Thanks again for the help!

Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey @tverdokhlib1 I'm still learning the prospecting tool now too. Can a user not assigned to the contact record still delete a lead record as the customer asked? 

If so, how does this affect the contact record? 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Stratege/Strategin | Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


@TomM2 Oh, yes, you are right, I think it's possible to see and remove only the leads you own. @WNAmiqus can you also see a list of leads of another person? 

Anton Tverdokhlib,
HubSpot Expert | RevOps & CRM & Automation Consultant

Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner

How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey @WNAmiqus  are you a super admin in the account? I'm still familiarising myself with the prospecting tool but I would imagine permissions are inherited from the CRM. So if you don't have permissions to delete the contact you would need to request these permissions from your super admin. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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How to delete Lead records if I am not the contact owner


Hey @TomM2 , Yes im a super admin. It is a question of deleting the lead record, not the contact record. Each lead record is associated to a contact, but I only want to delete/update the leads associated to contacts that i do not own. If this is difficult to understand let me know and I will attach a video to explain further. 

