Yes, it's very easy. You can create a filter or use lists. Depending on if you want to nail down location on a company or contact basis you'll use the corresponding property category and there should be city, state/region and country under both of those.
If you need further help or clarification just let me know.
If this solved your issue make sure to mark it as such so others can find the thread and answer easier.
That would be because both the Country and State/Region proprieties are Dropdown fields so you would have to select from a predefined list or add an option to the existing ones.
This is done to prevent having Washington DC, DC, D.C, D.C. ect all as separate entries from each unique spelling.
Depending on your use case and goals you might be able to segment the states into regional lists to use as criteria.
Am Having the same problem, when I import a contact list whit a state field I cant filter it by "State". I even try to connect contact and company porperties and it dosent work.
My guess without more info is that your import isn't formatted correctly. If everything else imported correctly I'd export the database and try to use the sample import sheets found here. All you'd need is two columns, one for the state field and the other will have the contact ID's. (which you can copy from your export)
When importing HubSpot will only modify properties with columns defined, so in this case only state while it uses Contact ID to match it up to the correct contact.
Hope that helps, if you have anymore questions feel free to reach back out.
Yes, it's very easy. You can create a filter or use lists. Depending on if you want to nail down location on a company or contact basis you'll use the corresponding property category and there should be city, state/region and country under both of those.
If you need further help or clarification just let me know.
If this solved your issue make sure to mark it as such so others can find the thread and answer easier.
Yeah looking at the pricing tier it seems that lists (couldn't find filters but it's the same functionality) are locked to the starter and above. The starter tier has lists and only costs $50 a month but depending on how/how much you use the platform it may be worth it.
I am a sales professional in Hubspot but am unable to filter for a location the way you have described. I can click the country/region but am not allowed to type in the desired city.
That would be because both the Country and State/Region proprieties are Dropdown fields so you would have to select from a predefined list or add an option to the existing ones.
This is done to prevent having Washington DC, DC, D.C, D.C. ect all as separate entries from each unique spelling.
Depending on your use case and goals you might be able to segment the states into regional lists to use as criteria.
Wait @ConnorSlivensky. If we're talking HubSpot default Contact OR Company properties (i.e., Country, City, and State), ALL are Single Line Text property types in HubSpot.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
I just checked the backend in the properties section and both "State/Region" and "Country" default HubSpot Contact Properties show as a dropdown selection. City is, in fact, a single line text field which is why I opt to use a "Closest Metro Area" custom property so we don't need to filter for all the different spellings and suburbs.
@ConnorSlivensky is seeing Dropdown property types for State/Region and Country (both Contact AND Company) default HubSpot properties in their Marketing Pro portal.
I see Single Line Text property types for those default HubSpot properties across multiple free, Sales Pro, Marketing Pro, and Marketing Enterprise portals -- the HubSpot default-default! (is that a word?)
We suspect the HubSpot default property types have been modified in ConnorS's portal. Have you seen this scenario before?
Thanks in advance.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
The way property types appear in view filters can be misleading (and confusing). Here's a good rule of thumb -- if you don't see selections from which to choose, start typing! 🙂
- see image
HubSpot View Filter Example: SINGLE LINE TEXT
- see image
HubSpot View Filter Example: DROPDOWN
NOTE: It's difficult to tell the property 'type' from the HubSpot View Filter screen.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
If I filter for the state and then "contains exactly" - under that it says "add options". How to I add the list of States so I can choose? It's grayed out and says "add a new options." Yet it doesn't let me.