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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


So i am creating a custom quote template that can be generated from a deal, and that gets populated from the deal itself and the objects associated to it.
So far i was able to fetch property value from the deal, company and contact object. (For example contact first name+last name, deal bank name, company name,...)
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 8.51.32 AM.png
But when i try to fetch a certain property value from the custom object associated to the deal, it is not working when i try the same method as the contact and deal object.
I was able to fetch all the properties of the associated custom object using the below lines of code:
{% %}

{% for Property in customobject %}
{{ Property }}
{% endfor %}
 Note to avoid confusion: my custom object is named "Property". It refer to a property/house
The above line of code returns the following (All the properties in the associated custom object). 
  Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 8.49.32 AM.png
I almost tried everything to try to fetch only the "property_name" for example, but it wouldn't work. I just want to be able to call only one property value from the associated custom object.
Thanks in advance for any input you couple provide.

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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hello @TitiCuisset ,
Please note that i was able to solve the above issue by referencing the custom object type ID found the the index page of the custom object:
{% set customobject = %}

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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Figured it out. Rookie mistake and I am an uber-rookie at HubSpot.

Forgot to wrap the whole thing in a simple "for" loop like so:


{% for billing_entities in BILLING_ENTITY %}
  {{ billing_entities.billing_entity }}
{% endfor %}


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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hi @WPeraltaLópez and @ChrisChiha,

This post helped me greatly.

One thing I just cannot find anywhere, literally anywhere is the syntax for using values from properties of Custom Objects. I can output the properties of the associated Custom Object, but using the same HubL syntax as other OOB modules used by Quote Templates I cannot get values from Custom Object properties to display.


I'm trying it like this:

{{ BILLING_ENTITY.billing_entity }}

which should output "HubSpot" for example where HubSpot is the text value of the Custom Object property with the internal name: billing_entity.


{# associated company data: name, address, city, state, zip, country #}
{% from '../../imports/mock_data.html' import SAMPLE_TEMPLATE_DATA as mock_data %}
{% set module_data = template_data.module_data %}
{% set QUOTE = template_data.quote || mock_data.quote %}
{% set DEAL = %}
{% set BUYER_CONTACTS = QUOTE.associated_objects.contacts %}

{# data to pull from Billing Entities custom object #}
{% set BILLING_ENTITY = %}

this should display the billing entity name value: {{ BILLING_ENTITY.billing_entity }}
<br />
this should display the billing address line 1 value: {{ BILLING_ENTITY.billing_entity__address_line_1 }}
<br /><br />

{# this is for debugging to prove that the custom object is available #}
{% for billing_entities in BILLING_ENTITY %}
{{ billing_entities }}
{% endfor %}

{% if module.show_billing_entity_name && BILLING_ENTITY.billing_entity %}
  <b>{{ BILLING_ENTITY.billing_entity }}</b>
{% endif %}




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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Figured it out. Rookie mistake and I am an uber-rookie at HubSpot.

Forgot to wrap the whole thing in a simple "for" loop like so:


{% for billing_entities in BILLING_ENTITY %}
  {{ billing_entities.billing_entity }}
{% endfor %}


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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


For example if you custon object ID is:  2_4679355
 you can use:
{% set customobject = %}

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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hi @ChrisChiha 


Thank you for reaching out and for all the details!


I want to tag some of our experts here - @himanshurauthan @LMeert @miljkovicmisa do you have any advice for @ChrisChiha on this? 


Thank you!



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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hello @TitiCuisset ,
Please note that i was able to solve the above issue by referencing the custom object type ID found the the index page of the custom object:
{% set customobject = %}


Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hello @ChrisChiha 

Sorry for the dummy question, but where do you copy these lines of code, inside your custom Quote template? I mean in which "Container" of the custom Quote template? 
Thanks in advance for your help!

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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Hello @Gabriel_Guigue ,
You can use these lines of codes inside your HTML/Hubl quote template in the design manager tab


Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Thanks a lot @ChrisChiha for your prompt reply.
Inside the design manager, I cannot see the HTML/Hubl quote template. Maybe I'm not looking inside the right place. Could you please share a screenshot?


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Fetching Associated Custom Objects into Quote template


Thank you for sharing this answer @ChrisChiha !

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