Sales Hub Tools


Copy company owner to only open deals through a workflow


We are automatically creating renewal deals for all of our customers and assign it to the company owner. Whenever the customer changes owner (for example, if the team member leaves) we want to reassign the deals automatically to the same owner, provided it's still open.

The problem with copying from the company is that it overwrites ALL deals, not just the open ones (we don't want the new account manager to become deal owner on any closed won/lost deals).


I can't work out how to get round this - is there a way?

3 Replies 3
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Copy company owner to only open deals through a workflow

Hi @enorberg 


How are you chaning the company owner - in bulk, via a WF or manually?

How do you handle renewal deals - extra renewal pipeline or specific deal property?


I'm not sure if my logic holds up (it's Frisday afternoon) but what if:


  • Deal workflow with enrolment triggers:
    • Renewal deal is open & company owner is known
    • Active re-enrolment for company owner is known & (is known als triggers when it changes, bit of a HubSpot quirk/tip)
    • Then copy company owner to deal owner

This would only affect active/open renewal deals, and would trigger when the company owner changes.


Let me know if that does the trick.


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Frank Steiner

Marketeer | HubSpot Expert | CRM Consultant


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Copy company owner to only open deals through a workflow

That was my initial approach, but unless I've missed something, you can't create a deal workflow that copies company properties INTO the deal. That seems to be a general Hubspot thing, you can copy properties in an outbound direction, but not inbound, if that makes sense.


Copy company owner to only open deals through a workflow

I'm having the same issue... Have you figured this out?