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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi all,


A lot of customers have been seeing their Google Meet links being removed from their Google Calander invites. This is because Google has started to roll out its new Gsuite experience which is changing how Google Calendar and Google Meet interact together. You can read more about that here.

In order to resolve this issue, you can go through the steps below which have been provided by Google Support:

Once you follow the above steps from Google then these links should be added to your calendar events. HubSpot still does not support Google Meet links within the Meetings tool. This is set up in your own Google Calendar.
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Participant | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

I spoke with Google Support and the solution/option to "Automatically add Google Meet video conferences to events I create" within Calendar settings isn't something that is part of GSuite/Google Workspace/Google Apps for business (or whatever they are calling it these days)...


The settings to do this on Google Workspace (I think that's what they are calling it these days) is to set this globally for your organization udner Apps > Google Workspace > Sharing Settings > Video Conferencing > Automatically add video conferencing to events users create. 


I hope this helps some folks!


Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi Doneill,

Is there an update on this article?
Basically, is there e method to include Google Meet links to Hubspot Meetings Tool?

Kind regards,

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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi @AronSchilder 


Thank you for reaching out. 


Please follow these steps in your Google Calendar: 


  • Open your Google Calendar.
  • In the top right, click the settings settings icon and select Settings.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Event settings
  • Select the Automatically add Google Meet video conferences to events I create checkbox. 

Google Meet links will automatically be added to calendar events booked on your connected calendar using the meetings tool.


Thank you!




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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi everybody, 
google meet links are still not inserted when I create a meet inside the CRM. Do you know when this is goona be solved?


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Gestionnaire de communauté

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hello @giuliocast, just wanted to confirm if you are using currently the Calendar Sync integration? 

Which can hook up to the Schedule functionality on CRM records, does not do this. Events scheduled from the CRM that are added to users' calendars via Calendar Sync, do not get Google Meet links added to them automatically if the setting is enabled in the user's Google Calendar.


Otherwise, this idea delivered Google Meet functionality to events booked through Meetings links:


I hope this helps.



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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

hi, do you know when google meet links can be automatically inserted into hubspot meetings? kind of like the way zoom link is inserted? 

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Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hello @rameshkumar_zak, I would like to share this resource here from our Community.


I hope this helps.



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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

When I create an event from hubspot the event gets created in my google calendar. However, the meeting link never appears. I have to leave hubspot and open google calendar, edit event, and click Add Google Meet Video Conference. 


I have the calendar set to automatically add google meet link to every calendar event I create. And this works when I create an event from within the google calendar.


There must be something in the way the event is passed from hubspot to google that prevents google from adding the Google Meet link. In fact, google support states:


G Suite Support, Ofelia
8:46 PM
I've confirmed here with my Team, unfortunately, as events are being created from a 3rd party, we cannot ensure it will work the same as it works on the Calendar interface.
***** PLEASE *****
I chose hubspot for the integrated tools. Please fix the integration.  It's embarassing to go and start a meeting and there is no meeting info for the prospect. It's inefficient to have to manage meetings in two places.
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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hey @EdfromParis and @Snapcast!


I hope you are well! Our team has been working on a solution for this and the team has started to release change that will add Google Meet information to calendar events created through Meetings.

  • This only applies to events created from Meetings.
  • The Google Meet link will only be added if your calendar has the "Automatically add Google Meet video conference to events I create" setting enabled. If you do not have this option, that is because your IT admin has disabled it.


  • If a user has the Google Meet setting enabled in Google Calendar, but also Zoom integrated with Meetings in HubSpot, events created from Meetings will have Zoom links, not Google Meet ones. Zoom will take precedence in HubSpot.

This is being released in groups to portals on Hubspot so please keep a lookout for this in the coming days.


Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi @doneill thanks a million for the above info. 

It now works great with Meetings and Google Meet 🙂 


However, we're experiencing another issue, for which I didn't find any post or useful info, so I'm going to ask here, as it's related.


Until up to a couple of weeks ago, we could set meetings from within Hubspot and we had an automatic Google meet link added in the invitation. Now, when we create a meeting from a contact in the CRM, the meeting invitation is created in our Google Calendar and is sent to everyone invited, but a link to Google Meet is no longer included - and it's a pain to have to create manually, copy and paste it etc. when this was NOT a problem until a while ago! 


We don't need a workaround (we already know we can create a Google Meet link and add it manually) but would love for things to go back to how they were!


Thanks in advance, 





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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Amazing. Would appreciate an update when this is deployed and confirmed working.

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi @Snapcast.


This has been released across all portals.

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Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Many thanks @doneill! Works great!

0 Votes

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hi Doneill, 

Many thanks. 

However, we have tried these steps and they do not seem to work. 

Would you have another idea to fix this?

Thank you.

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Adding your Google Meet links to your Calendar Events

Hey @EdfromParis!


Google Support would be your next point of call. If HubSpot has any future solutions to this I will be sure to let you know here. This is a Google feature and is set up inside of Google tools so they would be the best next step of troubleshooting if the above does not work fo you.

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