Sales Hub Onboarding


Data Missing



We migrated from another CRM platform and still testing the Hubspot. We realized that source data had country details for all companies but Hubspot data does not have this information for all entries after import.


Can someone please help us why this might have occured and how can we fix it? We already added new company entries so deleting all data and re-import is not an option anymore.


Thank you!

ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner
ソートリーダー | Platinum Partner

Data Missing

Hey @Avci 

you can review your imports Errors

just to see if there was some kind of problem with the Country information

and how the information may differ from HubSpot.

To see this go to Company >Imports > See the list below

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 5.45.47 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-02-13 at 5.46.40 PM.png

If you click on the Download Error file

you'll see why it wasn't imported and figure out how to fix it.

Once you Fix the file, you can re-import the information using company ID or Domain URL

and the info willl be updated.

Hope this helps

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
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Data Missing

thank you for your reply Maria. Unfortunately that was not the case. Only errors were related with dates, not with countries. Moreover there are many entries which have countries but many does not. To be more specific; some companies which are located at Malta have the data of country but some companies which also had Malta in their data did not retrieve this data from the source.

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Data Missing

@Avci it's hard to confirm what's going on without seeing the import file and the company records. Are you 100% sure that there are no errors, the source file information is correct, the countries are formatted as expected by HubSpot and the field was mapped correctly during import?


If so, I'd recommend reaching out to HubSpot support. In that case that would be a bug. If you need help verifying any of the above, let me know. Once you share screenshots of discrepancies between your sheet and a company record, I can clarify.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Data Missing

Yes, I'm looking at them at the moment. I checked also errors, nothing to do with countries. Just dates were not imported which we did not need anyways.


As I also mentioned to Maria; what we found strange, there are companies which have country data and some companies do not have the country data which is supposed to be the same country.


Support team forwarded us to find a solution here because we are a free user at the moment 🙂

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Data Missing

@Avci in that case you'll have to share screenshots that show the inconsistency or I won't be able to help. There's no other way to help from a distance. Alternatively you could upgrade to get access to support.

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Data Missing

Hi @Avci,


This is likely due to how you had the country information formatted. By default, HubSpot expects these country names to be formatted exactly as in the company country drop-down.




The import errors section can provide details about what went wrong:

If your imported companies have a "Company domain name", you can repeat the import, map the company domain name, and the records will be updated in their place.


Without the company domain name, you'll have to export your companies first, clean up the export, reimport and map the record ID, HubSpot will then update the existing records based on the record ID.


Let me know if you have any follow up questions!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Data Missing

Thank you for your reply Karsten but we do not have time to edit a very big list. Source data already have all data we need.

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