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juin 29, 20219:25 AM - modifié août 12, 202111:16 AM
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Favourite sales blog?
A growing resource for all sales leaders - not all of them are exclusively about sales - we’re looking for the blogs and websites that inspire you to do a better job. Share your favourites and tell us why you keep going back to them.
Andy Elliott a well-known sales trainer, speaker, and coach!
He combines sales training with gym-style fitness training. This approach is part of his broader philosophy that physical fitness and mental toughness are closely linked to sales success. By incorporating physical workouts into his training programs, Elliott aims to build not just sales skills but also the discipline, energy, and resilience needed to excel in the demanding field of sales. This holistic method is designed to enhance both the physical and mental well-being of sales professionals, thereby improving their overall performance and productivity.
I like the concept of Seth Godin's blog. He has real-world experience and offers a tie-in experience for superfans and learners alike with his AltMBA:
I like the ingenuity of his approach. It's very meta.
Sales Feed through LinkedIn has been good for me so far. Althought comical at times, they lead with a very "did you know this" or "are you doing this with your sales calls/presentations" and some of it is eye opening for me.
I love "The Brutal Truth About Selling" blog videos. Brian's content and delivery are exceptional, and he has some very humerous takes on various aspects of sales and interactions with other departments.
I enjoy Velocity Partners' blog purely because it can be refreshing to read content produced with an entirely different tone than what you'll typically read in traditional settings. I like to think it helps me feel more creative and imbibes my writing with a fresher diction, but other times think I just enjoy knowing that others are finding success by eschewing the typical santized voices across most corporations and business blogs.
This is a great recommendation @tkbabington! Love the opening para:
"While other bloggers are Googling up social sludge to ‘curate’, we’re slaving over a hot WordPress to bring you fresh, fragrant insights from the actual front lines of B2B content marketing. Where the B meets the… other B."
As you say, refreshing. I'm going to shout out the blog and you at the next Sales Enablement HUG! Thanks 👌
I am an L&D person. So, I like the Training blogs. They are current, contextual and relevant. Enables me to stay in touch with market and industry trends and also take a close look at the diffeent courses they offer on their site. - short articles, ethical and, while it’s marketing based, has a lot for us sales people to get to grips with too. If you don’t even have time to read Seth’s blog, his podcast is worth a listen.
I just read Seth's blog on "I don't want to play" and was inspired to write an email to my frontline sales team to ask for their 5 pain points in a baseball/tactic theme.