There was an issue sending your emailThe recipients on this email thread previously bounced, marked
@AJovovich because HubSpot sends millions of emails through the system over thousands of customers, it's possible that in the HubSpot system, another sended sent to this client, causing a global bounce.
"Global bounce: a hard bounce for a permanent reason across three or more HubSpot accounts. Permanent bounces include unknown user and mailbox full. Global bounces are dropped from future emails across all HubSpot accounts."
So, even if you can send from your email provider, it's possible there's an error somewhere else. You should be able to work with HubSpot to solve this.
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There was an issue sending your emailThe recipients on this email thread previously bounced, marked
@AJovovich because HubSpot sends millions of emails through the system over thousands of customers, it's possible that in the HubSpot system, another sended sent to this client, causing a global bounce.
"Global bounce: a hard bounce for a permanent reason across three or more HubSpot accounts. Permanent bounces include unknown user and mailbox full. Global bounces are dropped from future emails across all HubSpot accounts."
So, even if you can send from your email provider, it's possible there's an error somewhere else. You should be able to work with HubSpot to solve this.
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