Sales Email


Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

Emails I've sent to the Forwarding Address have never bounced back or returned an error, they just vanish enroute, never arriving to HubSpot.

The BCC address has always worked 100%. The "Team" email I connected auto-creates Support Tickets when I Forward an email to it - zero issues.

I have been trying to use the Forwarding Address for "Manual Logging" for several months - reading forums, retracing steps in instructions, trying from 3 different 'Email Clients' - still no luck.

My 'Email Provider' is IMAP / SMTP through my web host, primarily with "Old" Outlook as my 'Email Client' with the 'Hubspot Sales for Outlook Desktop Add-on'.

I saw that Outlook 365 Desktop isn't on the list of compatible 'Email Clients' (only 2010-2019?). While also not on the list, figured I'd try my main IMAP Webmail, Roundcube.  No luck on Webmail. Tried it with the ----Original Message--- line and again removed. Nope.  But I had hope! The Compatible Mail Clients list say Apple Mail, iPhone Mail, and iPad Mail!  Note: this restriction is the 'Email client' and their formatting for Forwarded messages - so Provider should make no difference.  Tried forwarding a customer's email to the Forwarding Address via iPhone Mail app. It's been hours and still nothing in my client's Contact in HubSpot.

I know you're going to ask the following so I'll get it out of the way:

  •  Yes, the email address I'm using to send the forwarded email is more than one of the following:
    • A user in your account - it's the main email address for my HubSpot acct.
    • It's also my only connected email inbox
  • Ensured no Signature Line, no other text, the top began "Forwarded Message ....  From: " just like the KB instruction's screenshot.
  • None have been in my Never Log list.
  • I'm not GDPR in America, but I still ensured Contacts' Legal Basis to Contact was set to Full-Current Client or whatever.

PLEASE help!  Any ideas? 

TIA! - Abby

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投稿者 | Gold Partner
投稿者 | Gold Partner

Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

Hello @HelpfulMarketer! Apologies for the delay in replying.

Yes, in the free tier, you can only get support from the community. Also, you can't have the emails associated with the ticket.

Did you use a team email inbox? If you are using a team email inbox, are you using the forwarding email link you can get from here?

If so, you shouldn't have any problem with the email logging.



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Ratul Rahman

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Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

@RatulRahman no apologies needed!  I'm just grateful for any help I can get!  I only added the comment with the @ tag just in case it didn't send you a notice without it.  Thank you so much for getting back to me!!

I'm not sure I'm following you 100% re: the shared /team email but I don't think the shared email/Inbox is related to this issue...  yes, I do have a shared email set up (Tools > Inbox > Inboxes > Connected to Support Pipeline), but no, I am not sending to that Forwarding Address. That Forwarding Address auto-creates Tickets (KB doc on setup) and works perfectly. I only mentioned it as testimony that everything else that depends on correct email setup/connection is working splendidly. 

The only malfunction is the Forwarding Address that's supposed to "manually log" an email to the CRM, just to associate it with the Contact.  

The Forwarding Address I'm using is similar to the default BCC Address and is found in the same place: 
Data Management > Objects > Activities > Email Log & Track (

Which says:

 "These settings are for everyone logging data in your account's CRM. To connect your email, go to your email preferences."

Scroll to bottom, under Manual Logging:

"Log outgoing and incoming emails manually by including these email addresses." 

BCC Address (Outgoing) = (works great!) followed by it's evil twin, the black hole, Forwarding Address (incoming) = 

The Forwarding Address says:

"Forward emails to this address to log incoming emails in your CRM. Emails forwarded to this address will be attached to any matching contacts. If no contact is found, a new one will be created." 

It does not.  This address does nothing. No error, no bounce, no CRM entry. 

Here are the KB instructions I've gone through a few dozen times: 

I tried it from my iPhone Mail app, which is on the official list of "compatible Email Clients" but it still went into a black hole. Tried with and without "Begin forwarded message..." 

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投稿者 | Gold Partner
投稿者 | Gold Partner

Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

Hello @HelpfulMarketer!

Did you talk to HubSpot support about it? If you did, what did they say?

Profile Picture of Ratul Rahman

Ratul Rahman

RevOps & HubSpot Consultant | CEO at HubXpert

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Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

I'm using the Free version, so I'm pretty sure this is the only "Support" I get. ☹️  Am I correct on that @RatulRahman ?

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Forwarding Address does nothing, BCC works fine

I'm using the Free version, so I'm pretty sure this is the only "Support" I get. ☹️

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