Sales Email


Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email


I could easily filter contacts who opened a Sales email or those who replied a Sales email, but I cannot filter something even more basic:  contacts who have been contacted with a Sales Mail.      Any clue how I can get that list?  I cannot really find the right property to create such a list. 

10 Antworten

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Great solution... but I guess that I need to upgrade my plan ($$$) to get access to custom reports and really be able to generate cross-objet reports, isn't it?  

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Thanks for getting back to me @Bernardamus

Custom reports are part of any Pro Subscription indeed. Would you be interested in having a Free Demo Trial of this Hub?
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Hi @Bernardamus , 


You can create an active list based on the following criteria: 


  • Activity properties
  • Email
  • Email send Status
  • is any of "Sent"
  • Apply changes, name your list and save the list 🙂

Here's a quick video on my own portal on how to do it. 


  • active lsit by activity .gif

This article describes the types of filters: Use Activity filters in lists and custom reports


Hope this helps!


Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Hey Thanks for the feedback and the cool video! 

Anyhow I guess that your proposal refer to newsletters but it does not apply to "sales emails", I mean mails sent one-to-one to customers. 


Anyhow I managed to create a VIEW in the contact list where the "last contacted" is KNOWN ,  I guess it is what I was looking for.


If you have other ideas or suggestions, you are welcome! 

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Hi @Bernardamus

Thanks for getting back to me.

My proposal does not refer to marketing emails.

It refers to Sales 1 to 1 emails. As stated in this article:





Hence, "email send status" should work with your list filtering. 

Let me know if this helps! 



Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email


Maybe the problem is that I am sending most of my mails via Gmail directly with the Hubspot integration collecting data.  So probably the status "sent" is not logged in that case. Probably if I sent 1-to-1 mails from the hubspot platform itself, it would work! 



HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Good point indeed @Bernardamus !

That filtering only applies for emails sent from the CRM and not the extension. I double-checked myself on my own portal. 


However, the following filter does work using the Sales Chrome Extension, I did the following test: 


  1. I added a brand new contact
  2. no marketing emails have been sent to him previously
  3. Sent the very first email via Gmail, by "track/logging" the email
  4. wend to lists, and called the filter "Email body is known" and the contact does show up in the list 



I hope this helps, 






Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

First of all thanks for your helpful feedback. The "email body is known" is a good rule definitely. 

The only issue with that, is that I cannot really use lists as a way to filter data in Reports.


So I have this other workaround:  


1) I create a new VIEW in Contacts with the rule "Last contacted is known"  

Probably it includes also contacts via phone , meetings, etc.  But since I don't do any call/meeting without a mail , then I think it can work. 


Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 18.39.55.png



2) As a result, if I create a Report I have the option to use "contact filters" corresponding to my custom VIEWs to get specific segments of data.  I could not do something similar with Lists so far....   .  Hope it helps and interested to know your feedback! 



Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 18.39.21.png

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Hi @Bernardamus


Thanks for getting back to me.


Apologies, I didn't know that your end goal was to build a report, I though it was a list. 


Althought your workaround works, please note that withing Reports, you can build a cross-object (contacts/activities) custom report, then go to filters > activities > and find the same "Email subject = is known"


a GIF video representing this below, let me know if you have any doubts: 


activity filter.gif


Filters contacts that have been contacted with a Sales email

Hi @sferreira thank you for your feedback.

I'm having the same problem and your "activity/email status" works well for one part of my objective. My intention is to have a list to exclude from marketing emails, but besides of the email status I would like to add a time range, is that possible?