Sales Email


Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


Hi, all,


New user, pretty sure this is a noob error but I can't figure it out. Hope you can help.


Using CRM, I set up a Contact. Click on the contact's name and then on Email tab. I compose a message. Click Send. Looks good and the message is in the timeline ("You sent a tracked email to Jennifer Lopez ( March 31st at 1:41 pm") 


But it never arrives, so I set up myself as a user, using one of my email addresses but again, no email arrives. 


I confirmed it's not getting trapped in a spam filter. 


Am I supposed to do an Email Integration in "settings"? And if so, looks like I have to use Outlook or gmail -- can't use IMAP email on my own server? Or is the problem something else?

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


Hey @MRubenzahl

Thanks for posting! We get this question a lot, you will need to have your inbox connected in the settings in order to send tracked emails. To find out if your system is compatible, check out this post:

If you have any follow up questions please post on the original thread.

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


Hi @MRubenzahl - you can submit this feedback to our team by posting to the Ideas Forum. Hearing directly from our customers can often times be more important than hearing from a HubSpot Support Representative or Customer Success Manager, so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our product I would defintely recommend posting your feedback in that palce. 

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Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


I'm having the exact same issue.  It was working good, but suddenly it just stopped sending out the emails and I can't figure out why.  It is frustrating becuase the system indicates everything is good to go, but the email just don't arrive.  No spam filtering, junk mail, or other blocks seem to have happended.  Just "poof" into thin air!

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


Hey @MRubenzahl

Thanks for posting! We get this question a lot, you will need to have your inbox connected in the settings in order to send tracked emails. To find out if your system is compatible, check out this post:

If you have any follow up questions please post on the original thread.

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Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive




We have been enjoying the free Hubspot CRM. We got the whole team to convert to Chrome for the extension and trained the team to send emails from Hubspot directly too. Then recently, my team has been telling me that the emails they sent from Hubspot is not showing in "Sent Mail"" in their Gmail inboxes, and emails they sent from the inboxes don't get the replies captured in Hubspot.


Turns out, they had to integrate email in the settings section to send emails from Hubspot and capture replies into Hubspot.



Why in the world does Hubspot allow you to compose and send emails from Hubspot, if the Email Integration is not set up? It's actively misleading users to believe that they are replying to their customers and leads! If no email is integrated for user account, it should show "Please connect your email account with Hubspot"! STOP BEING A CRM THAT MISLEADS CUSTOMERS SO THEY CAN RUIN THEIR CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS! 


I'm going to go back to apologizing to our customers who may or may not have ever received an email. We don't know. Please fix this so no one else has to experience this!

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Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


That answers my question but I would suggest you submit it to the development team as a priority request -- not just because emailing from inside CRM fails but way worse: It says the email was sent (!) and shows it in the Contact history! So it told me it sent emails and did nothing?!?!? How can I trust the product to handle my correspondece to prospects after this?


Sorry to complain but if I understand correctly, that's a pretty fundamental failing, I think. 

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Emails I send using HubSpot CRM do not arrive


Hi @MRubenzahl - you can submit this feedback to our team by posting to the Ideas Forum. Hearing directly from our customers can often times be more important than hearing from a HubSpot Support Representative or Customer Success Manager, so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our product I would defintely recommend posting your feedback in that palce. 

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