Bcc to multiple contacts - can HubSpot record these emails?
A member of my team would like to email a large group of people and bcc each contact. If I add the HubSpot bcc to this, is it possible to somehow record the people who have received the email (even though they have been bcc'd) or will HubSpot only record email address which appear in the "to" field?
Bcc to multiple contacts - can HubSpot record these emails?
@TessaDunnett, HS will NOT record addresses in the BCC field, only the CC field!
According to this HubSpot KBA, "HubSpot will create a new contact record for anyone CCed on your tracked email. However, when a recipient is BCCed in an email, the email will not create a new record, and if the recipient exists as a contact, the email will not be logged on their existing record."
Bcc to multiple contacts - can HubSpot record these emails?
@TessaDunnett, HS will NOT record addresses in the BCC field, only the CC field!
According to this HubSpot KBA, "HubSpot will create a new contact record for anyone CCed on your tracked email. However, when a recipient is BCCed in an email, the email will not create a new record, and if the recipient exists as a contact, the email will not be logged on their existing record."