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Automatic task completion gets in the way

Does anyone else wish they could save a note without "complete task" being done automatically? 


Like a lot of people it usually takes me a few calls for me to finish a job. The "save note and complete task" makes saving a note more trouble than it should be. 


The same goes for "send email and complete task." Does anyone else wish they could turn off these automations that Hubspot designed without all their users in mind? 

1 Respuesta 1
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Administrador de la comunidad

Automatic task completion gets in the way

Hi @HAsch , thank you for your post!


You're certainly not alone, I've found that the ability to save note without completing task was brought up by other user too: Log notes without completing the task

It'd be great if you could upvote this idea and show your support.


Our product team is constantly on the lookout here for users' feedback and ideas on ways in which they could possibly improve the functionality of our tools so sharing more of your use case on this feature request would definitely help in pushing for the exploration of this feature!

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