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HubSpot Employee

How do you communicate with company leaders?

Lesson 6_Communicating the Value of RevOps to Company Leaders.png


Many executives under-appreciate the work operations leaders perform.


How do you communicate the value of your work and get buy-in from company leaders on your proposals?


Share a story or technique in the comments below!

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How do you communicate with company leaders?

I usually avoid long prose as executives today are busy and won’t read everything.


Instead, small statements and graphical charts are used whereever possilble. If absolutely necessary to include text, its in short sentences or bullet points. As simply, management won’t spend time reading through the long emails, so shortening it is the best way to get around communicating the ideas


How do you communicate with company leaders?

In january we started using the Situation, Complication and Re-solution model (SCR-Model) in the Rev.Ops team, to help us tell the story and to enhance our chances of obtaining buy-in from decision-makers.

It is partly what the A3 Template do, and I think we will enhance the SCR-model to also contain the "Plan" and "Follow-up measures". 

The SCR model have helped us communicate effectively, demonstrate value, and secure buy-in.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

First identify the needs,set the goals,plan and action


How do you communicate with company leaders?

detected needs, then seat a goal, plan, action


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Clearly articulate your message in a concise manner. Avoid unnecessary jargon and provide relevant details to ensure your leaders understand your point.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

i first set up a tone for communication followed by taking valuable in puts 



How do you communicate with company leaders?

Let’s illustrate it with a hypothetical situation:

The company is experiencing frequent stockouts, leading to delays in order fulfillment and customer dissatisfaction. However, the executives are hesitant about investing in a new inventory management system due to budget concerns. The operations leader proposes the implementation of an advanced inventory management system that offers real-time tracking, demand forecasting, and automated replenishment.

During a presentation to company leaders, the operations leader strategically frames the proposal:

Attention: Opens with the real-life scenario of the recent stockout situation and its impact on customer satisfaction

Need: Highlights the critical need for a more efficient and accurate inventory management system, emphasizing how it directly affects customer experience and overall sales

Satisfaction: Introduces the proposed solution, detailing its features, such as reducing excess stock, minimizing stockouts, and automating reorder processes

Visualization: Uses data and projections to illustrate the potential outcomes, such as a significant reduction in stockouts, improved order fulfillment times, and ultimately, increased customer satisfaction scores

Action: Clearly outlines the steps required for implementation, estimated costs, and the expected return on investment. Emphasizes how the proposed system aligns with the company's strategic goals of enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

How do I communicate the value of my work and get buy-in from company leaders on proposals? I start by writing down the proposal and how it can be implemented. I then have a conversation with my Director to make any adjustments and changes needed. I'll ask if he believes it could work as planned. My next step is to email the VP of my department to schedule a meeting. I'll go over what I am planning and how I will need him to help implement the plan. Once these conversations are completed, we schedule a meeting with the Owners and the rest of the management team to present my ideas.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

By being respectful and polite to the company leaders. 

Thank you very much. 


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Get agreement that there is a problem and that problem needs to be solved. Present root cause, solution, cost and value.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Los latinos somos poco concretos al decidir y comunicarnos. Necesitamos sentir afecto y enganchar con lo que nos dicen. 

Por otro lado, países como Chile tienen un estilo Europeo, pero extrañan el poder generar la cercanía con los demás países. En ventas, se les dificulta entrar a concretar porque pueden pasar por "rudos". 

Así, en el contexto que trabajo, depende mucho de la cultura de la persona. En general, trato de copiar su estilo de expresar y muestro las ideas con preguntas, llevando el hilo con las respuestas. 

Normalmente me funciona, pero al conocer el Monore's Technique, me falta muuucho por aprender


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Prior to entering the RevOps space. I would contrivance a reduced version of Monroe's Motivated Sequence.

  1. ACTION; I would connect with upper management with an engaging opening.
  2. NEED; Connected Physiologically, but not emotionally.
  3. SATISFACTION; Liased potential resolutions except overcommunicated.
  4. VISUALIZATION; Positive Outcomes.
  5. ACTION; Asked leaders to partake in the Plan-to-Action approach actively.

If we look at my previous technique, we'll see a few flaws in the connectivity; To combat these shortfallings, I have learned how to perform an objective root clause analysis with internal teams and then present findings and solutions to those teams to gain feedback before submitting to stakeholders; To appeal to stakeholders, I not only take into account everyone's workload but how each individual contributes to the team. 


I do this to connect emotionally and use technical jargon sparingly while not overcommunicating ideas.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

How would I as RevOps manager communicate with company leaders?


I nest my agenda within theirs. For example, one of their problems could be that they need to predict and forecast revenue for the next two quarters.


I will propose we need to ask the sellers if they feel like they have quality pipeline coming from marketing? And How do sales and marketing coordinate their pipeline generation responsibilities? And How are they currently forecasting? Is it bottoms up, where sales and sales mgt tells finance the numbers? Is it top down, where RevOps and Finance tell sales the number. Or hybrid, where Finance and Sales agree?

What’s the current sales process? Is it segmented by customer size? Customer vertical market? Customer function in the account?  Have we product-market fit?


I would begin a series of conversations with peers, and counter party management team, A3 style developing the plan. VP of Sales, CMO, Customer success leadership, Product Development owners, and their referred direct reports.


I’d ask an analyst, illustrator, or graphics person to assist with the numbers and I’d edit the written the plan or proposal to move from current state to future state, to build the business case.


I’d be ready to make my pitch to the board or executive team.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

I'm the type of person who loves to reference films - in other words I'm super visual and I think now a days most people respond best when they're visually engaged. Oftentimes, when I have an idea and I need to present it to an executive team, I try to use as few words as possible - as much fact-based detail (numbers or super infomrative graph(s)), but try to include videos or meems when possible.  I have found human connection is easiier when I inject something funny - usually most people won't even bring up the fact based stuff even though the $ is usually the biggest priority, they remember the funny video.  


How do you communicate with company leaders?

I've alway found that communicating effectively to leaders and reports alike and getting buy in is rooted in being able to articulate the how the request or change will benefit that individual and/or the company. Solving the the "what's in it for me" at the beginning of the conversation, primes the pump for acceptance.


For example: "If we institute this form at the service level then the accounting department can save over 20 hours per week looking up the information in the ERP (5 minutes per look up over 250 service calls per week)."  People want to know how what you want to do will benefit them or one of their stakeholders.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

I would give give the CEO/COO a one line announcement, like:

> Store xyz broke the weekly sales record over the last weekend.


> Branding team have just killed the completition in abc area.


The gives them a subject to think and based on their reply, I add more info.


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Hearing them out and seeing whats stressing them 


Putting their weakness in a scentence (could be positional weakness or professional or personal) 


Putting the headline of my perspective as a casual response and hearing their take 


Then enhancing and editing their  current approach and  and make them feel supported 


lead to a "but" and point out a pitfall - Make them see it infront of their eyes


then after closing the doors of  their invalid solution


I talk about how an alternate solution can be best and discuss the benefits of an alternate solution until they get my point and sometimes make them feel it was their idea and add on it an important detail they missed out on  (since i've been working on the numbers for a much longer time) 


and vuala ! we have a plan that was approved because it was "their idea" and they appreciate me for adding a practical solution the problem. (sometimes they get shocked thinking I came up with it on the spot) 


How do you communicate with company leaders?

Basically, I start with a one on one meeting with my managers to get a feel, so that i can prepare for the criticisms or any shortcoming they must have found in my idea. There is a Yoruba adage that says "Oju loro wa" meaning "convincing is better done in a face to face discussion". I explain the vision or solution discovered to the team. After my presentation to them, i will put together all input i feel is beneficial and then present it to the larger team. One medium i avoid using completely is the use of text messages for such, this for me is arguably the worst form of communication yet can be the fastest. This is because text msgs can be easily misunderstood.  


How do you communicate with company leaders?

  1. I enjoyed the recommendation of Prewiring. I didn't have a specific term for this but I definitely enjoy doing this and giving the relevant person a snapshot and getting their prior buy-in
  2. Visualizations - are awesome, especially if they are based on clear data and how reasonable & informed assumptions can remove friction and simulate force.

How do you communicate with company leaders?