Reporting & Analytics


Website Traffic Reporting


Hi everyone! 


I'm looking to create reports that show a visualization of the website traffic. So I have our website set up with tracking (aka when people fill out the form on our website and become contacts, it tells us what pages they looked at, for how long, etc.) But I want reports that visualize what our contacts are looking at. Does anyone have any suggestions for that? 


Thanks so much! 

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1 Solução aceita
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Platinum
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Platinum

Website Traffic Reporting


Hi @rboniek ,


In Reports > Analytic Tools, you have several different reporting options. You can certainly find what you are looking for.




Example: in first option, u can see which pages of your site had the most hits, or which pages had the most CTA clicks, etc. There are also reporting options that show which blog content has most influenced a contact to become a customer.


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Best regards! 🙂

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1 Resposta 1
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Platinum
Conselheiro(a) de destaque | Parceiro Platinum

Website Traffic Reporting


Hi @rboniek ,


In Reports > Analytic Tools, you have several different reporting options. You can certainly find what you are looking for.




Example: in first option, u can see which pages of your site had the most hits, or which pages had the most CTA clicks, etc. There are also reporting options that show which blog content has most influenced a contact to become a customer.


Did this post help solve your problem? If so, please mark it as a solution.

Best regards! 🙂