Reporting & Analytics


Tracking Linkedin Ads - Duplicated Sponsored Content

Hi All


I have noticed that when I duplicate a LinkedIn Ad with the objective of website traffic or website conversion Hubspot is unable to track it properly since it gets confused by the ad being duplicated. If you try and change the name in Linkedin to make it unique, Linkedin will update ALL the ads that have been duplicated.


This requires us to create the exact same sponsored ad accross dozens of campaigns instead of simply duplicating them.


This is obviously extremely time consuming.


Has anybody figured out a solution for this?



ガイド役 | Diamond Partner
ガイド役 | Diamond Partner

Tracking Linkedin Ads - Duplicated Sponsored Content

Hi @Kahena ,

Well! The tracking error comes up because LinkedIn uses the same identifiers for ads made for the same published post. Thus, the error comes up when you try to publish multiple ads for the same post since they all share the same ID on LinkedIn.

Currently HubSpot is restricted by this limitation and thus cannot apply ads tracking if the ads are being duplicated this way from the same sponsored post. I'm sorry to share that this is not something that we can work around at the moment because there's no way to differentiate the multiple ads given the existing structure on LinkedIn.

Hope this helps!

If we were able to answer your query, kindly help the community by marking it as a solution.

Thanks and Regards. 


Tracking Linkedin Ads - Duplicated Sponsored Content

Is it technically possible to edit the URL of a duplicated ad without overriding its second copy?


If so, why Hubspot can't add uniqness to the hsa_* parameters of the URLs of each LinkedIn ad? It could do so periodically to "fix" new duplicated ads that created over time..



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