The website grader performs a relatively simple set of checks to test essential search engine and user experience critera that correlate with good website performance.
Big ticket items include thinks like:
Responsivity - your website must have mobile view ports
Security - you need an SSL certificate
SEO - you need:
Unique meta titles
Unique mest descriptions
H1 tags on every page
An xml sitemap
Building your website on HubSpot helps to solve many of these, although even the HubSpot platform cannot get a perfect score due to page loading issues that relate to their current infrastructure.
The website grader performs a relatively simple set of checks to test essential search engine and user experience critera that correlate with good website performance.
Big ticket items include thinks like:
Responsivity - your website must have mobile view ports
Security - you need an SSL certificate
SEO - you need:
Unique meta titles
Unique mest descriptions
H1 tags on every page
An xml sitemap
Building your website on HubSpot helps to solve many of these, although even the HubSpot platform cannot get a perfect score due to page loading issues that relate to their current infrastructure.