Reporting & Analytics


Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Is there a way to report on the number of emails a contact was sent before they became a customer?

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Hi @squigglebit,


Yes, this looks good, as long as you have the setting enabled that contacts should unenroll when they do not meet the enrollment criteria anymore and as long as re-enrollment is enabled for marketing emails delivered.


And yes, adding a create date filter makes sense 🙂


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Thank you, that makes sense. I'm usually ok with the logic but every now and then I just question myself 🙂 appreciate your help


Email reporting for emails sent before customer


@karstenkoehler just wanted to check this is correct with the re-enrollment, just came back and looked at the workflow again and second guessed myself

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 13.40.15.png

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Hi @squigglebit,


Yes, this is correct. In this context "is known" is the same as "has changed", so if the number goes up, a contact will re-enroll. Good to go.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Hi @squigglebit,


Not out of the box and not easily historically, unfortunately.


Here's how you could approach this going forward: You could set up a workflow that re-enrolls contacts when 'Marketing emails delivered is known AND Lifecycle stage is any of [all your lifecycle stages before customer]'. You then copy the value from Marketing emails delivered into a new custom number property Marketing emails delivered (opportunity or earlier). In the workflow settings, you would select that contacts should be unenrolled when contacts do not meet the enrollment criteria anymore.


This workflow would copy the number of emails delivered until they turn into a customer – then it freezes the number in Marketing emails delivered (opportunity or earlier).


Keep in mind that this number is only correct for new contacts who have not received any marketing emails before. Otherwise it's lower than what it should be.


If you want this information historically, it's unfortunately complicated. You would export the property history for Marketing emails delivered and would have to compare this export to another export of the Became a customer date for each contact. You would then have to prepare an import file in such a way that it includes the last value of Marketing emails delivered before the Became a customer date. At the end, you should have a two columns in your import file: the email address and the Marketing emails delivered (opportunity or earlier). (If you're an Excel wizard, this'll be easy. Otherwise, it's very likely frustrating.)


Regardless of which option you choose, you can then build a report based on this new property under Menu > Reports > Reports > Create report > Single object > Contacts.


Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Email reporting for emails sent before customer


@karstenkoehler thank you so much for your help.  Does this look correct to gather that data going forward?

Adding a contact create date is 1/1/23 or after would also allow me to only capture the newer contacts for this year I believe.


The historical data might be extremely difficult, we have over 600k of contacts in our CRM.

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 10.42.51.png

0 いいね!
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner

Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Hi @squigglebit,


Yes, this looks good, as long as you have the setting enabled that contacts should unenroll when they do not meet the enrollment criteria anymore and as long as re-enrollment is enabled for marketing emails delivered.


And yes, adding a create date filter makes sense 🙂


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Email reporting for emails sent before customer


Yep unenrollment is sorted for when they no longer meet the criteria.
That's great thank you for your help 🙂


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