Reporting & Analytics


Customer Retention Report

Hi everyone,
Is it possible to build a customer retention report in HS? or to build properties that would make that possible?
For context: once I get the rate of retention I would then breakdown a few different reports by source and list of contacts. MKT leadership wants to see from a returning customer perspective; where they came from (mkt efforts and sources). The bit that I'm quite stuck is to get this retention calculation on a report in HS. Any ideas or workarounds?
Many thanks 

2 Replies 2

Customer Retention Report

Thank you Ben,
I'm still looking for a workaround to the lack of "calculation reports".

Key Advisor

Customer Retention Report

Typically when exploring this type of reporting, you first need to look at your pipeline and make sure that you have pipelines that support all of the rates that you need to track whether they may be new customer acquisition, upsell/cross-sell, or renewals.


For renewals, what would you expect to be the source? Are you retargeting your customers via ads today, or is it inside of an app? Unfortunately as that is not as clear to get to without having a deep dive into your data to answer those and other types of questions about what you consider the source and whether that data is captured today, or needs to be planned to be captured. Also, for contact lists, that can get messy depending on what you want to track, for example with an application, you could have people related to the account for renewal, but they may or may not be the users of the platform who may not be involved at all with the renewal.