Reporting & Analytics


Contact Unworked?


Does anyone know what the field (and how its calculated) - Contact Unworked? 

I exported a file to review it / spot check for accuracy in the report and saw this field in the export (I exported all properties). I have some contacts that say "TRUE" in this field, most are blank. We don't really use the sales piece of our enterprise account but its calculating this somehow - anyone know? Couldn't find anything online...



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Contact Unworked?


Hi @lbrown27 

This a Hubspot default property though I didn't see it listed here:


I looked at this property via the Hubspot API and it comes with this description:

"Contact has not been assigned or has not been engaged after last owner assignment/re-assignment."

Matthew Shepherd

Freelance HubSpot Consultant
CRM Consultant | SEO Specialist

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Contact Unworked?


Hi @lbrown27 

This a Hubspot default property though I didn't see it listed here:


I looked at this property via the Hubspot API and it comes with this description:

"Contact has not been assigned or has not been engaged after last owner assignment/re-assignment."

Matthew Shepherd

Freelance HubSpot Consultant
CRM Consultant | SEO Specialist

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