Reporting & Analytics


Building a report that shows all opt outs based on subscription type

Hello HubSpot community, 


I am trying to build a report that shows the amount of contacts that have unsubscribed from each individual subscription type. I was able to build a report that displays one subscription type, but I'd like to see all of our subscription types along the x axis. It won't let me add more than one option there. 


Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 3.21.28 PM.png


Any suggestions? 

2 Replies 2

Building a report that shows all opt outs based on subscription type

Thank you for those suggestions. I want to visualize the numbers which is why I am trying to make a report instead of a list. I don't care when they opted out; I just want to see the totals across the different subscription types. If there is no way to do that in a report, I suppose I could manually create it, but then it wouldn't update automatically. Is the x axis restricted to just one option when it comes to subscription types?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Building a report that shows all opt outs based on subscription type

Hi @samantha_c, I hope that you are well!

Thank you for asking the HubSpot Community!

I have found for you similar threads that might help you:

- The solution from @ConnorSlivensky on this post "Report on Members of a Subscription Type"
- The solution from @karstenkoehler on this post "Report on WHEN a contact has opted in to a specific subscription"
- The Workflow Library example from @MatthewShepherd on this thread "Report on Email Subscription Opt Outs and/or Opt Ins Over Time"

I hope this helps!

Have a lovely weekend!


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