Today while I drink my tea, I contemplate the sunset, and I recognize how the sky gives me an ineffable artistic work that with its orange tones disguises the night of Halloween. In the presumed darkness, the stars that were impatiently awaiting for this moment finally come out to shine. And meanwhile, in the noisy silence of nature, I question myself, the countless interpretations that can be attributed to this day. A heavy sigh greeted me with a certain degree of exhilaration as I came to a paradoxical conclusion.
In the 365 days of the year, today is one of the few days in which we show ourselves to the world from our true essence; today we dust off that inner child; today we give way once again to wonder, to spontaneity, to imagination, to play; today we roll out the red carpet to the inner Self. The funny thing is that the way we achieve this is through a mask or a disguise, without realizing that the other 364 days in which we have the opportunity to show ourselves as we are, is when we put on the most disguises and invisible masks. With this, from my position and humble opinion, I want to bring with love an invitation to the table: Let´s get rid of our daily disguises, allowing the inner child once and for all to come out, play and enjoy, and thus to connect in a deeper sense/ degree with other children from vulnerability. It seems to me that we are so caught up in doing and having, trying to be that "responsible adult," that we have almost completely abandoned that pure creature that resides in the memory of our heart. I remember once reading a phrase of Jesus that went something like this: "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for theirs is the kingdom of God.
This quote, beyond any religious connotation, I interpret it as an invitation to return to our roots, in order to clear the storm and open that infinite heaven on earth, and live in harmony, peace and fullness, at the service of others, from what makes us happiest.
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?
"Let the adult be the one to tell the story, and the child be the one to live and enjoy the moment." Jose Pablo Carreño (@una_tortuga_elocuente)
nov 1, 202210:39 AM - editado nov 1, 202210:40 AM
Happy halloween today I disguise myself as me
Loved this Juan! I felt another type of calling this year and did dress up but not in costume! I remembered the things I enjoyed about this day when I was a little kid and did some of those, instead of the usual, to celebrate how much I've lived and the fact that I'm still here. Halloween means celebration for me, but I believe this year I started a new tradition ❤️
Thanks for reminding us the importance about our inner child, that perspective has improved my life!
@luescovar Thanks so much for sharing your story my friend, I really value it! That´s beautiful, we have to celebrate all the journey and give a big hug to ourselves for everything we have done to be right were we are. Gratitude brings all of this and more! You seem really connected to yourself and your inner child ❤️
I´ll encourage you to keep writing and sharing your stories, I really miss them.
@MiaSrebrnjak thanks so much for reading, connecting and sharing. So lovely, I wonder if you still have one of those desires, if so, I´ll say there´s still time to please that inner child 🤗